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KeymasterThe chop looks good man! Will the whinch fit in there?
Frame looks awesome, hope the rest looks that clean.
KeymasterHer little ouchie from the not so subtle surgery
KeymasterOoops. Welds were purely suoerficial, and I knew that. Think I commented 10-15 pages back.
KeymasterTook Redee out for a tour with Matt and his 4th gen. I didn’t get any pics, but his LTX’s and perma-traction control got him stuck. The big duratracs and no-nannies got me close enough for a rescue.
On the 2nd recovery of his 4th gen, we very swiftly removed Redee’s bumper. I knew it wasn’t load bearing, but used it anyways. Foolish.
Torn between welding it on better, vs making one from scratch.
KeymasterScott glad your post made it up, your regular cab looks awesome! Keep at it, and put up a build thread if you want a bunch of opinions or koodos.
best of luck, keep your eyes peeled for a Spring M&G dates, prolly get to run into some of the SONTT guys.
KeymasterHey Evan, until the site host, server gets upgraded, we’re on a one picture per post limit. Not ideal, but it’ll work in the meantime
KeymasterThanks Kev, worth all the busted knuckles when the girls are thrilled to go for a drive.
Had an anxious end to our adventure drive. A weird *Pang* under the hood, followed by a burning rubber smell. The CHARGE light on the dash confirmed I was without an alternator belt.
I pulled off the road, popped the hood to retrieve the broken belt from under their. 20 km of hills to get home. Lights, radio, heater off, and a steady drive home.
Get home, pull the hood latch again to put the charger on the battery, and nothing happens. The sheathing on the hood end of the release cable has popped out of place. “F*#% me. Seriously? Wtf?”
I got the hood popped through the grill, put a zip tie to prevent the sheathing from popping out again, and will get a new belt tomorrow, or the next day.
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KeymasterHaha that’s pretty much encased in ice. Glad they could thaw it in their shop, rather than your own. Prolly picked up a few free ponies by the time it thawed out and got on a diet.
I had to chip and thaw truckee cause I got tired of riding bump stops around. Took a couple hundred pounds of snow off the belly, muuuch faster.
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KeymasterThe damage. A little custom grind to one handle. The magnetic base, and easy to hang hook both road casualties.
Happy wrenching everybody. Be careful when children, or flashlights are around.
KeymasterWhy would you drag your light so far? Some kind of weird test?
Well let me explain to you the dangers of wrenching with Children. Just as I finished up searching ARB air leaks under Redee, one of my children asks “why are you under Red truckee?” A simple explanation won’t satisfy my girls, they’ve been taught to question their surroundings and learn all they can. Can’t stop that good inquiry in the shop. So I setup my LED lightbar and start the lesson.
90 seconds later, the lesson moves inside Redee about the switches that make the loud noise (ARB compressor) turn on. Naturally, to keep her interest, I respond quickly. Lightbar instantly forgotten, battery died, 6-hours later ADVENTURE DRIVE!!!!!
Anyways, I’m not here to be a paid spokesperson, but this friggen lightbar still works. I’ve sat on it, stepped on it, (threw it once in anger), let it freeze, and now dragged it under Redee through slush and mud, STILL FREAKIN’ WORKS ! Best $27 I spent on a flashlight, other than the fact it blinds me 1/2 the time I use it. That’s due to its stupid octagonal shape, and not resisting rolling well enough.
KeymasterYesterday while headed home on Hwy 89 from an adventure drive with my girls, I had a good samaritan roll down a window and shout across at me “you’re dragging a light!”
I thanked the motorist, and pulled off at the next sideroad to take a look.
….I was infact dragging a light. It was my 3ft long Motomaster LED shop light. It had been dragging for at least, bare minimum 35km…mostly unpaved. Damn. Although I hated that light, I had hoped it would lived a few years longer. No need to fuss, brainfart already happened.
(placed back for re-enactment)
I unwedged the light, threw in the roof basket, and decided to test it later…doesn’t look too broken.
KeymasterHopefully just a chunk a frozen debris from your little tour the other day.
KeymasterYup, good catch Steve.
Ebay converted my money at $1CDN – $0.55GBP. Costs me roughly $9.50 to the door.
KeymasterI’ve ended up buying a 10-pack from across the pond for about $9CDN.
Long story short, I could sell my remaining 9 ferrules for $10/each and make back my money 10-fold!! Prolly just keep them for spares, hook a buddy up should the need arise.
Also for sale, 19 tach conversion resistors for I4 / V6 to V8 😉
KeymasterThe leak got a bunch worse to where the compressor would run non-stop when the locker solenoid was open. I sprayed the entire tube run with soapy water, to find the leak at the rear diff.
I pulled the compression fitting apart and found a few cracks in the tube on the wrong side of the ferrule.
After 2 days of searching, I’ve discovered that a 5mm brass ferrule is tough to find. Anything from ARB itself is pretty crazy expensive, before tax/duty/exchange and comes as part of a kit. I found a couple 4wheel-drive places online selling a single ferrule for $1.57-3.00 each, but a shipping quote to my address was $65-80!!! No way José.
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