It’s been my experience that the weather is the biggest factor in whether folks stay longer or not,seems as though it will be fairly nice day so I’d expect a few to stick around longer.
Just a bump to bring it to the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to hear you still have the 45,welcome aboard.
Of course I’ll be there 🙂
Mall terrain,LMAO
Welcome aboard Charlie,lovely wife you have,nice truck too! Without hearing the sound or otherwise,I’ll throw a bad front axle into the mix,it happens! Say hi to Madam T for me.
Quite the trip,thanks for sharing the pics and story.
Kudos to you guys for getting out!
Sad to here Noel,I know the work and effort you’ve put into your rig. Good luck with the new rig!
Congrats Lee,when is a lift going on,LOL
Hey Darwin,welcome aboard. Still working on some of the bugs,but looking into uploading pics from you own files are something we’d all like to see.
What are your thoughts on the new Taco Steve?
Congrats on the new truck Lee! Still rockin the FJC,don’t think I’ll ever let it go. If for no other reason she’ll end up being a dedicated trail rig down the road. Damn the price of new trucks have gone through the roof!
Hello everyone,we’re baaaacccckkk
No go for me tonight folks,Deb is in town from AZ,priorities,LOL
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