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  • in reply to: Wheeling and Truck Pictures #210447

    A couple vids from a “No Exit” tour James and I went on. Pretty slow avg speed, measured in car-lengths per minute.

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #210446

    Holy progress Steve! That franken-connie is flying together. How different are the two frames between ‘94 & ‘02? Or just component upgrades (forks, triple tree)?

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #210429

    Thats a great deal for the tank setup! I aid $50-$70 for just a petcock alone for a Kawi cruiser in the sunmer.

    I’m glad my DR doesnt have a locking fuel cap, I’m tired of sourcing keys and locks haha.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210428

    Jeep bumper turned out great! Simple and effective. I don’t mind watching Jeep builds, I just enjoy watching the fabrication!! Keep it coming Evan, looking forward to seeing your new front bumper for the LC.

    in reply to: True North Winter Truck Pics #210424

    Went and practiced snow recoveries with my buddy James yesterday for a couple hours. Had a blast! Legs are pretty sore from climbing the hill and setting up traction boards over and over

    in reply to: New Members!! #210411

    @DieselDude thanks for the introduction to your fleet. Quite the impressive collection, I appreciate your commitment to collecting! You started before I was born….and I’ve sold too many already haha. Carl, Bert, Jessie & Rocky are all pulling at my strings. That drift truck would be tons of fun to build.

    How long did the round trip road trip take you and your son?

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210407

    For the most part I like working on sleds, I am just not too keen to own one haha. They are proper fast, but I HATE being cold outside, and triple-digit speed equals cold bones haha. Too much work to ride them too, I need lazier transport.

    I do charge labour. Sometimes a flat rate, sometimes hourly ($40/per), sometimes nothing…it’s a complicated system only written down on my eyelids haha. I really only charge to fix things with engines, atvs/bikes/sleds mowers/chainsaws generators.
    I don’t charge when my buddies wrench with me here. Couple of my buddies are keen to wrench but lack tools / lights and floor space.
    I’ll often diagnose, or do simple fixes for free (like a stuck hood latch, brake inspection or replacing fuses). I don’t charge my immediate neighbours for “can you take a quick look at this doohickey?”, and I don’t charge to fix things for their wives or kids, which is bicycles mainly.

    I put $33 of plugs in that sled, had to drive 3km to the store to get them. I bumped up the idle speed a bit, and spent 10 mins on fastening the seat to the tunnel using one M6 nut and a length of strap (freebies lying around the shop). I charged my buddy $50, he brought me +6 tall boys also. 😁

    The MiniZ runs, but is hard to start when cold (+50 pulls). My buddies 4-y/o son pulled the knob clean off the choke cable ($70 before tax) and I’ll put a new plug in it too. If it starts well I’ll stop there, otherwise I’ll set sights on the carb looking for air/fuel leaks, or a partially clogged jet. Will prolly have 1-2 hours total on the MiniZ by the time it’s out of here.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210406

    Those are some meaty tires! Holy crap. I doubt my 250 could even turn those treads haha.

    Great ideas for lightening the next trailer (should current sell). I’ve never pulled a trailer offroad, would imagine it eats up a lot of power dragging that dead weight. The 4WD Action buys sure make it look easy eh?

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #210400

    Good work pn the SL, glad the coil worked out of the box.

    I didn’t realize the engine was semi-stressed, def looks a lot easier to manipulate the frame around the motor.

    Is the motor in the ‘02 poop?

    I just registered and paid transfer tax on my ATV yesterday, a solid $6.50 on my $50 purchase. Honestly, I paid nothing for the ATV, but figured the MTO wouldn’t like that.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210398

    Today in The Shop, I finished a tuneup on my buddies Formula STX sled. Was nothing special (his words not mine), but a workhorse around their country property.
    When he picked up the sled, he dropped off a Skidoo Mini Z for a tuneup too. Hopefully a quick turnaround on this machine too, get his boys up and rippin’ around their yard.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210392

    Sweet projects!

    How do you plan to lighten your next trailer setup?

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #210391

    Oh yea, tidy shop has its own sigh of relief.

    Nice Connie setup! I like the bike stand, will that bike be the parts receiver?

    Good luck on the SL tonight.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210390

    Sorry there bud, it’s not something I’ve ever done. That paint sounds about right though. My buddy paints his bike exhausts with Tremclad bbq paint and has no complaints. I haven’t run mine through any heat cycles yet.
    I bought the coated ‘EverFinish’ or ‘TruShine’ coated ones for Redee. They still look good after about 2 years, but less than 10k.

    in reply to: New Members!! #210347

    No facebook here, shut that down a decade ago.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210336

    Awesome new toy! I’ve got way more hours plasma cutting than welding under my belt, such a useful tool. Haha better keep it away from the Jet Fuel.

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