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  • in reply to: Wheeling and Truck Pictures #210710

    Second pic didnt upload. Tryin’ again

    in reply to: Wheeling and Truck Pictures #210707

    James and I took a scenic route on our way to Alliston today, checking out the conditions on some No Exit roads. Despite all the melting this week, the overnight lows allowed for re-freezing. Overall the road conditions were mostly dry, and some snow/ice hardpack in the shade. Hardly any wheelspin, no traction aides required today. I figure in a few more weeks as the ground fully thaws it’ll get pretty soupy out there.

    James is feeling some confidence with his new Duratracs this week. Got a set of LT265/70-17 from my buddy Eric @ Mapleview Tire (705-985-8473).

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210706

    I’m gonna try again to build the forks. I feel like I learned from my fail, now I’m just waiting on parts in the mail.

    I landed a decent job in Orangeville! I start early April, I just gotta give notice in North York now. New work is roughly 23kms door to door, roughly 15kms of dirt road if I so choose, and hours are 7:30am-4pm Mon-Fri. Able to take Redee or the DS600 to shake up the routines.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210693

    Came home from work yesterday to see two boxes from FortNine, and one was really big! Big enough to fit a pair of knobbies!! I was googling half the night trying to figure out what Bead lubricant to use, and whether or not to dust the tube in talcom powder to prevent chaffing…honestly three hours later I have no solid direction, just a bunch of internet opinions. I’ve decided to go buy some bead lubricant (that was well received by internet ppl, and quite inexpensive) from my local NAPA, and do my best to spoon those knobbie mo-fos on there afterwards.

    Once I mount the new rear tire , I can install and torque the entire driveline! Chain arrived in the smaller box yesterday, sprockets are still good, brake shoes are still good…. it’s Gonna be a great photo update in my next post.

    C’mon Royal Mail and Canada Post, bring me fork seals so I can button up the front end too!

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210685

    Looking good already bud!
    Will this trailer also fit and haul your atv to the trail?

    in reply to: Slick new Taco #210684

    Glad to see that crush-cube took a beating to save the rad support!
    Looking loads better already. Glad the TW crew is helping to sort things out.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210683

    Uggghh, this morning I called and got two quotes of roughly $200 after tax to rebuild the forks, labour only. I remember paying about $200 for parts and labour a few years ago for my RMZ. For $200 I think I’m willing to try again on the rebuild, even if I fudge up another $50 set of seals. Time to improvise a better seal driver, this amazon crap has really let me down.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210671

    Today in The Shop, I kept working on the DR600. I found and ordered another set of fork seals, then busted out some muscles. I spooned off the old and dry rotten tires, the bead on the rear was suuuper stuck and made me bust a real sweat. The front was pretty easy. I’m considering paying to have the new MT21’s mounted, but I feel obligated at least try spooning the new ones on. We’ll see how energetic I feel once the tires arrive this week. Still gotta clean up the bead area a bit.

    Afterwards I set about torquing the swingarm pivots, and engine mounts as I don’t plan on removing either of these major components again.

    I was hoping to layout the wiring harness, or get the exhaust put back on today, but it was time to start cookin’ dinner.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210669

    Ugggh, it gets worse. Now that I’ve got the old dust seal on the bench, I see that the All Balls customer support people sold me the wrong kit. The top dust seal on my bike sits below the circlip, where the dust seal in the AllBalls kit sits above the retaining clip. Shit. Back to google.

    I did manage to clean out the petcock for the fuel tank, install lock-on grips and set the slack on the throttle cables before ruining the fork seals haha. So not a complete loss today haha.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210668

    You’ve been busy buddy! That shop will be awesome once the approvals come through!

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210667

    Evan, it’s been more than 10-years since I’ve been to Ardbeg that early in the year. I just remember it was very cold overnight lows, like 1 degree. I’ll prolly sleep in Redee if I can get sorted out a good arrangement.

    Steve, totally eff’d up the fork seal today. Couldn’t get the lower seal to sit deep enough, and destroyed it trying to remove it again. Not pleased, but I figured it’d be a real possibility. I blame my fork seal driver for having not long enough fingers to drive the bushing or the seal all the way into the bore. I gotta re-order the kit, and get the local shop to do the install next time. Maybe I’ll save some $$ by supplying all the parts, only needing to pay for labour. Lame…

    Sweet part time, funding for the bikes and hot rod mods eh?!

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210651

    The Shop has been pretty slow lately, and I blame my new job. I’m working as a mechanic of small engines for a roofing company, they have about 50 Honda powered compressors/hoists/blowers/cutters. The work is good, a little bit of everything to keep it interesting, but the commute is killing me. 90km each way Shelburne to North York puts me in no mood to go adventure driving with the girls, and 2-full tanks of gas a week are hurting my pockets. Plan is to find a different new place of work in the Orangeville area, cutting out roughly 140km / day. I know there’s plenty of commuters in the world, but I am not one of them. Lesson learned!

    Since I am seeking motivation to work in The Shop, I did what I thought was best and ordered the remaining parts for my DR600. I ordered tires, tubes, a chain, battery, exhaust seals and seat support doo-dads. Now all I have to do is carve out a few hours to rebuild the forks (don’t get me started), and the rest should be childs play. Fingers crossed I drag my butt out there this weekend.

    I also pulled the battery out of Redee to put on the charger a few days. She was right flat, hardly a click on the starter.

    in reply to: Slick new Taco #210650

    Ouch buddy, hope there were no witnesses….those slimline bumpers do look wicked eh.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210645

    James has two upcoming purchases, skid plates and tires. I’ve suggested *nudge nudge* that he increase his tire size slightly, currently running 265/70-17s. I suggested going up to 285/70-17, to help restore some ground clearance after he up-weights with skids and semi-permanent camping gear install. Pretty sure he’s satisfied staying with Duratracs as opposed to a full M/T tire of sorts. Time will tell. He’s keen try out some tough tracks and test drive his whinch.

    Spring thaw, No Exit touring around Dufferin, Nottawasaga, Grey & Bruce counties.
    May 28th – 30th, Ardbeg.
    July 23rd – 25th, Ardbeg.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210638

    Today in The Shop, Truckee got an oil change. Nothing exciting, but a little overdue…oops.

    Saturday and Sunday in The Shop, James installed a US Offroad whinch bumper in his FJ! I had to leave before the install was done, but all the heavy lifting was done. The bumper fit like a dream, and the welding quality looks really good. His FJ is looking real sharp.
    James also replaced his serp belt and idler bearings.

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