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  • gtilford

    Good morning everyone, woke up to a cool soggy morning here in Ardbeg. I was not able to get the site at Round Lake when I got here at 9pm last night as there was a single Jeep family there already that stated they would not share the site. I am camped at our second choice on the South side of Black Lake. This is a more technical site to get into but I was able to do it in the blue slug ( stock Chevy Tracker) so everyone but the two wheel drives should be able to get down here. This site is just at the start of the South trail. Stay safe everyone and I hope to see everyone starting later today.

    in reply to: July 11th back road tour #211004

    So we will be meeting up at the Superburger at the corner of hwy 89 and hwy 10. Plan to bring a lunch along as we are not sure what maybe open.

    in reply to: July 11th back road tour #211002

    Thanks Tom for posting this up as we have discussed in texts I would like to have everyone meet up in Shelburne at 9am to start. From there I would like to start the back road tour, for an enjoyable day for everyone and end up at Hoggs Falls for a group photo and from there everyone can head for home. I am hoping that everyone that turns out will have an enjoyable day, make some new friends and see some old friends since we have all be pretty much locked down for a year and a half. Not sure if you have Gaia or not Tom but this was posted up on Ontario Overland Facebook page a bit ago for tours in the area that we are planning on going to.


    I am in for Ardbeg and was just going to post the July run


    I won’t be making this one as my daughter’s birthday is the 5th and will most likely be doing something that weekend with her. Have a great weekend

    in reply to: annual assault on ardbeg aug. 14,15+16/020 #209885

    Ok I am going to head up Friday morning in toad the tracker. Won’t be wheeling in it as it still needs skids, rock rails and some front struts but I figure I’ll throw the photography great in it and just relax for the weekend

    in reply to: Facebook Group #208738

    I was the same Tom so about a month ago I deleted all friends and most groups only kept the most important groups that I used all the time.  I have since added a couple of friends back like family just because we use messenger to video chat with the grandkids, also a couple close photography friends and Mark.  I can go in and 5 to 10 minutes at the end of the day  I catch up on anything important and I am back out.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #208562

    That is a great looking bumper

    in reply to: Dufferin County “No Exit” Tour #208561

    It was fantastic that the weather was so cooperative for your run today, waiting to see more photos.

    in reply to: Annual Ardbeg Run Aug 9-11 2019 #208400

    I have to thank Mark again, for allowing me to tag along this year.  It was great seeing Kevin and Steve and meeting Melissa.  I forgot how much I have missed getting out battling this illness over the past year and this was just something the doctor could not have ordered.

    in reply to: Annual Ardbeg Run Aug 9-11 2019 #208345

    Mark has offered me a seat as copilot, since I can’t drive that far so I will be coming up also.  Thanks Mark.


    in reply to: What's Krezz Up To?!? #205197

    No judging Krezz I still dabble in WOW as well and Im a lot older than you, hope to see you on on the trails someday

    in reply to: welcome to the new forum! #205196

    To any of the admins reading this could someone look into the time issue on here I just posted a reply and it showed that i posted as of 7:15 pm today not sure what time zone it thinks we are in

    in reply to: Hey hey #205194

    hey you two welcome to the sight now start posting pictures from this summers trip, oh yes trail reports to

    in reply to: Some help please #205121

    Same thing just happened to Jason Butt

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