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Annual Ardbeg Run Aug 9-11 2019

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS Annual Ardbeg Run Aug 9-11 2019

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  • #208244

    Well it’s that time of the year to post up for the annual Run!

    As per usual,it’s come one come all,bring the kids, pets Grampa and Grandma,etc.

    The Run will take place Saturday and groups will be set up so as to suit ones comfort level of wheeling.

    As this is a camping weekend please remember to outfit yourselves accordingly (For No Amenities) as you are at the mercy of Mother Nature.

    Hope to see y’all there!!!!!



    thanks kevin. i know i’m lookin’ forward to that weekend!!


    sign up here folks

    1) finn


    sign up here folks

    1) finn

    2) Slick_Yota

    3) 4307

    4) fjttse

    5) ryan-725



    well, as the song goes… is anybody out there?


    I’m game. I’ve been  MIA with this trade school stuff, way behind in life stuff. If I can get my ducks in a row and bring the Runner up to scratch I’m in like Flint.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by 4307.

    I`m in,of course.


    hey kev, whatta ya say we don’t give 4307 a chance to back out? just drag him up there cuz i know he reallly really wants to go


    Count me in!


    any word from any of the tacoma world mob?


    Different TW guys go up pretty much every weekend.


    anyone else brave enough to join this band of heathens next month?


    Mark has offered me a seat as copilot, since I can’t drive that far so I will be coming up also.  Thanks Mark.



    no problem greg, i don’t mind returnin’ the favor. we’ll see ya evening of the 8th


    well here’s my plan guys, greg n i will be weighing anchor in the knarr around 5:30 thursday evening in hopes that we can pin down the camp site at round lake. yeah it’ll dark45 when we get there. if that site is occupied i’ll get word out to some one to post up where we are. or you can txt me. phone number will be up in members only thursday when i leave town

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