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  • in reply to: BigRunner for sale #206756

    in reply to: Wheeling and Truck Pictures #206755

    Wakey wakey barn find first gen. Time to be awesome again!

    Just took delivery of this truck on Fathers Day, 10-months after leaving a first deposit. Thanks again to an awesome seller, who was ok with an informal payment plan.

    Time for the work….scratch that….Time for the adventure to begin.

    Ps. Somebody buy the BigRunner!! Sam needs a new/used DD commuter, and I’m out of parking spots. Ahhhh!!

    in reply to: Mountain biking #206754

    Haven’t gotten out much in last 2-years (after 2nd daughter born), but riding is my 2nd favourite form of exercise.

    Prefer to ride tight/technical single tracks, and NEVER on the road.

    Bought this bike as a University student in 2008, barely ever let me down. 2006 Devinci Remix R1 (Canadian made), crappy forks, Avid disk brakes, and a whole lotta scrapes and scratches.

    in reply to: TNTT logo/decal samples #206507

    Diggin’ the 4th design best. Not sure why, but it calls to me loudest. Great job man

    in reply to: 03 double cab #206490

    Got a buddy trying to get out of a CVT trannied Subaru (boooooring!!!) and into a Taco.

    Have an initial askingbprice from the seller? No facebook here. Mo creepers, mo problems.

    in reply to: Where to buy Aisin Hub rebuild kit? #206438

    And the rear axle O-Ring

    90301-88077 @ $10.88



    in reply to: Where to buy Aisin Hub rebuild kit? #206437

    Thanks man, appreciate the quick response.


    Called back and talked to my regular guy Andy, and he pulled up listings, part numbers and prices within 3 minutes.

    Part numbers

    43532-60010 $10.34 (hub ring)

    43531-60010 $6.20 (gasket)

    43422-60010 $2.25 (gasket)

    about $20 per side before taxes.

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #206281

    Slick, love the abundance of bikes. I too have a problem of too many good deals and ever disappearing places to park haha.

    Until I sold an atv 2-weeks ago, there were 2 Honda sport atvs, Honda dirtbike, 2 suzuki dirtbikes all fighting for realestate in the garage. My wife still isnt too pleased that she can’t park in the garage all winter. I tried to compromise “let me park some bikes in the basement, and you’ll have your parking spot”, but she had no interest.

    in reply to: The 85' 4Runner Orange Saphhire #206280

    Loving the 4Runner man. Progress coming in bunches makes for awesome updates. Appreciate the first gen eye candy.


    Where can you find POR-15 in a retail store? I’ve got some super-mega rust prevention planned for fall/winter 2018.

    in reply to: True North Winter Truck Pics #206279

    Welcome back from your honeymoon Newlyweds (Jan 2014)

    Just a few mins out of town (Feb 2014)

    in reply to: Wheeling and Truck Pictures #206278


    Dent in the bumper as only blemish. Perhaps a scuff from a branch that’ll buff out

    It’s a memorable day to finish paying off the loan. Goodbye bi-weekly payment!! You won’t be missed!!

    in reply to: Wheeling and Truck Pictures #206277

    Had a bumpy “good night and go to sleep” drive with my 3.5 year old turn a little extra adventerous last night.

    The incident involves a long icy hill, a tree, a large boulder and a rescue me phone call to a buddy.


    About 1 truck length from cresting the hill, a rather large bump caused a total loss of forward momentum, initiating a 50m backwards downhill slide. Oooops. This was at 9pm, So much for a tame sideroad tour to lull the wee one to sleep.

    An hour later had a Tundra driving buddy pick us up and drive us home. “Little Trucky” had a lonely sleep On the side of a no winter maintenance road overnight.

    Flash forward to 9am, loaded up with a come along, 30ft recovery strap, various 10,000lb ratchet straps, 80kg of salt, 3-ton floor jack a buddy and super powerful brains, recovery began.

    Pictured above, The rear diff high centered on the previously mentioned large boulder.

    -Come along rear hitch to tree on far side of road to stabilize

    -jack under low side rear axle to get diff off rock

    -fallen branch under rear tire to keep off diff

    -recovery strap uphill far side of road to big tree. Highlift, and strap in-line to front loop


    -pour down 80kg of salt

    -proceed very slowly

    -setup again higher up the hill, and she walked right out of the ice ditch.

    Freedom!! Less than 2-hours including socializing, high-fiving, and cleanup. One softball sized dent in the bumper is all that remains of the incident. Total success.

    in reply to: Official Spring TnTT meet and greet 2018 #206135

    Tentative yes for May 6th. Hope to make it out significantly earlier this year compared to last.

    in reply to: Early x-mas presents #205577

    Picked up a Bestop Supertop off kijiji yesterday.

    Needs a cleaning, a patch and mounting hardware, but otherwise she’s mint.

    Pretty excited to start getting this refurbished and installed.

    in reply to: AVATAR's and POSTING PICS #205381

    Any idea why pictures that I successfully posted and were visible 5-days ago, have been replaced by a photobucket hosting ad?

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