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  • in reply to: White sr5 4Runner #210331

    Your truck looks great! Your picture Looks about the same timing as my last camping trip in October.

    How did the AT3’s perform in the snow recently?

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210330

    Good work on the Jeep!

    Does unburned jet fuel have any significant odour?

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210328

    Today in The Shop, I removed the entire steering setup on the DR600 (yes I only installed a couple days ago) to install a steering lock. I’m glad that the $16 ebay steering lock for a Suzuki GN125 that looked similar actually fits my bike. I had to tweak the frame of the bike a bit with a pipe wrench, but it would appear as though I’ve returned it to the original intended shape as opposed to bent away at 30 degrees. The steering lock I removed from the bike was in the locked position, so it makes sense as to why the frame is bent there.

    Oh, I also stripped the old bars of the controls, and transferred most onto the Renthals I bought few months ago. I still have to drill a 1/8” anti-rotation hole for the horn/turn signal/headlight combo switch. Once stripped, it was easy to see that the old steel bars are bent a little at each end, good enough for the scrap pile.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210311

    Nothing new in The Shop, but I have won a couple important battles vs the DR600.

    1: Tires. Decided on Pirelli MT21, pretty much a street-legal knobby. Not much for tread life (apparently), but predictable once you leave the pavement, where I intend to spend my time. Just waiting for the Front tire to come in stock @ FortNine.

    2: Air Filter. Since no online catalog lists my bike exactly, I’ve been using a similar bike as reference. The main difference is the carb & airbox (air filter). Anyways, finally stumbled across the Twin Air 153600, which states my bike exactly in the application chart. FortNine carries it for $37. Win.

    Plan for this week is to give a half-assed spritz of paint on the engine side covers, and put it in the frame. Hopefully that’ll break the rut of inactivity lately.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210309

    That “when to quit” time is always tough, made worse when there’s a fondness towards the machine. Alternatively, made easier when I hate the machine haha. Had a Bombardier ATV (pictured below) I despised, that brute couldn’t go away fast enough. All the parts were expensive, and tons of surprise broken shit ate ALL my profit.

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #210308

    Both sound like fun projects, hardly any parts needed to buy for the Connies.
    Did you ever sort out your drag strip woes?

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210307

    Wow that’s an ugly grille, emphasized by the Massey Fergussen. Pretty awful combination. Putting reliability (and terrible customization) aside, A 2-door wrangler is cool, but I can’t understand how they sell so many at $30k before tax for bottom trim Sport model. Had the displeasure of waiting around a Chrysler dealership for a couple hours ago. All the Grand Cherokee’s were locked.

    Good luck on the flip! Already looking better bud!!

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210294

    Better cash in on that stroke of luck!

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #210293

    That SL looks like it has solid bones! Making it run, and a little bit of spit shine should easily double-triple your investment. Just looks pretty dusty from here.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210290

    Matt and I flipped a Yamaha XT225 earlier this year, and I only rode it 150m down the street. It felt good, but adding 50% more displacement would have made it WAY better. Seemed like 225cc of tamed 4-stroke was not enough to provide the thrills either of us were looking for. Think we sold ours for $3G, not bad considering all we had to do was clean it up some.
    I’d jump on the XT350 for $1,400, prolly re-list it immediately and enjoy the ride!

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #210282

    That’s a sweet parts bike! Love the chunk of 4×4 in place of the rear shock. Looks like plenty of good parts left for $100.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210280

    That’s a sweet score!

    I have only found two other DR600 on kijiji in months. One being sold off in parts (but nothing I need), the other as a half-rebuilt project needing engine work (for $1300). I’ve got the search saved, hopefully something pops up before springtime.

    I also made a kijiji wanted ad a couple days ago. No hits yet.

    Meanwhile ebay has turned up a universal gauge for $60-ish. Not ready to pull the trigger yet, trying to determine how to verify the speedo measured rpm vs displayed speed. Not willing to wait 3-months on china to sell me something that’s 40% off.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210268

    Last night in The Shop, I put in a couple hours stripping and painting the upper and lower triple tree, handle bar clamps and the new-to-me Renthal Bars. I was contemplating leaving the bar clamps in raw aluminum after I sandblasted them, but I was unable to not leave grimey finger prints on them during handling. Decided it would pain me less to hit them with a little paint.

    The Renthal bars are factory take-offs from a Kawasaki KX450F, and holy hell is that factory grip glue strong. Prolly spent almost an hour removing one grip alone.

    Once the triple trees are dry, I think they’ll be the first pieces to be re-attached to the frame!

    I ran out of semi-gloss black, so I gotta grab another can before I can give the engine some touchups.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #210265

    Oh man that’s a sweet upgrade!

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #210257

    Yup, roughly $200 on ebay is what I’m looking to spend for a gauge set. I missed out on a kijiji gauge for $15 by 4-hours a couple weeks ago. Just today I sent a message to a kijiji guy selling his DR650 with a Vapor gauge and “original speedo included”, trying to buy just his extra uninstalled original.

    Technically my bike has a speedo on it, so I’ll pass a safety come springtime.

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