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  • in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209285

    Pergola looks great Steve. I like the many levels of your backyard. Looks like it keeps going uphill, could just be an illusion.

    The postman has dropped off the first batch of goodies, a brand new starter for Redee.

    Still working on the badass swingset for my girls, I just carried the bulk of it from my warm shop, to the backyard where it’s once again snowing. Thinkin’ I’ve had enough until I can work in the sun tomorrow, even if daytime high is only a miserable -1.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209280

    Ordered through Collingwood Toyota OEM oil filters, front brake pads & Rotors for Truckee. Pretty excited for this refresh, my front rotors should have been turned about 20,000km ago, but I cheaped out at the time. Paying for it now with vibrations, reduced braking performance, and crappy pad life. Oh well, parts are all in-stock, just 45 minutes up the road.

    I Also ordered OVERSIZED rotors for Matt’s 4Runner. I diagnosed a speed related noise to a sticking caliper, so Matt’s taking the opportunity to use OEM parts to upgrade. The Sport model 4th gen 4Runner are equipped with ever so slightly (20mm overall diameter) larger calipers & rotors as compared to the SR5&Limited models. Naturally, if it’s time to replace a sticky caliper and heat scorched rotor, it’s a fine time to upgrade. We’ll do a full brake fluid flush while we’re at it.

    Fun couple days in the shop once Collingwood Toyota, ebay and RockAuto deliveries come through. Two brake jobs and a starter en-route.

    In the meantime, I’ll continue building one badass swing-set.

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #209268

    Woah, I literally pulled “Animal Farm” off the book shelf less than an hour ago before I started cooking dinner. All I had time to read was the blurb on Orwell, and the editors notes/comments on the text.

    The Connie is lookin’ wicked. Get a gold sharpie to colour match the piping on the seat to the rims.

    in reply to: Slick bike builds #209264

    Impatiently waiting…..

    Hard to imagine bike tours, woke up with fresh snow on the ground two days in a row.

    My wife and I decided to freeze my bike fund until Covid eases up…. booooo for being responsible…

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209263

    Getting This starter out was the single most difficult task I’ve performed on Redee. Would rather make new brake lines again haha, and that is saying a lot.

    I had to put a new starter into Purple-ee with the 22re in it. I remember it being difficult, but nowhere near impossible. That starter was proper ruined too, right full of swamp water haha.

    I ordered a new SBC 3hp mini starter from a Canadian seller on ebay, comes with new bolts and shims and should arrive next week. Gotta anti-seize the shit out of these starter bolts, don’t know if I have the patience to cut another set out. A shame Redee can’t be bump started like a real truck 😉

    I called two Toyota dealerships today and tried to order OEM oil filters, brake pads and rotors for the Taco today, but no dealership is open. Gotta call on Monday 13th when they open for “emergency service and sales” as per their automated message.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209258

    I agree with you on that. Not enough space to keep everything cool, or at least not crammed together. Starter shouldn’t be touching exhaust, trans shouldn’t be load bearing to the floor pans.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209255

    STOP THE MONKEY FLIPPIN’ CLOCK!! The old starter is finally out, 3-days later.
    When we last left, one bolt was out.
    The second required a little more coaxing from my angle grinder, then reciprocating saw. Yea, I wedged a sawzall between the frame, engine, trans, trans and fuel lines to cut that last fucker out.
    No damage to anything except the starter. Rebuilding it is no longer an option ahaha
    Beer-O-clock now.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209253

    Two bolts. Two freakin’ bolts hold the starter to the block, figured I coulda finished in one day. Not the case.

    The outboard bolt could be turned about 1/4 at a time with a 9/16” wrench. Once un-threaded, the bolt bottomed on a body mount before it cleared the body mount, so it had to get cut into 4 pieces to come out. That was the easy bolt.

    Still working on the inboard bolt. It would turn 1/16 rev at a time, until it stopped. Working with cutting tools now.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #209251

    Oh man the LC is looking awesome. The dual led pods look a lot better than the single in the centre.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209250

    Thanks Evan, felt good finding a root cause. I’m just glad the gear finally stuck long enough so that I could see it being stuck. Monday night when I pulled the dust cover the first time, the starter was not stuck to the flexplate.

    Lazyness took over at 10:30 last night. Nothing was put back together, no tools put away, starter not removed to find suitable repair parts. Lazyness haha

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209244

    Hooray for finding another thing!

    So, compression is great across the board, high being 155, low at 145, and 6/8 at 150 on the nose.

    Pulled the rocker cover on the noisier side, and everything appears great.

    Dropped my Mastercraft inspection camera into all 8 spark plug holes, nothing wierd from what I see.

    Pulled the trans dust cover, and spun the crankshaft by hand, the SFI flexplate is completely free of cracks. There are however a couple missing teeth and a bunch of chipped ones.

    With the plugs still out, I ran the starter. Below is the picture I took, with the IGN off. Starter gear, fully engaged still on the flywheel. This would make one hell of a racket, especially once the revs build up eh? Gonna do my best to shim it, see if that cures my “death rattle”. When I started Redee this morning, I was damn sure something internal to the motor, was doing it’s best to get out!

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209243

    Uggghh, I hurt Redee. Went to throw the timing light on, and the horrible noise persists, intensified even. Fudge!

    Gotta swap my timing light investigation with a compression tester investigation. Hoping I did not destroy something inside the right bank.

    Glad I didn’t pay the insurance premium yet.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209238

    Spent some time under Redee today, and The flexplate is both of high-quality, and without cracks (that I can see). However when I lowered to dust shield, a Toyota OEM M8x20mm bolt fell to the ground. No reason why that should be in there other than a lucky bounce as it fell from somewhere higher.

    I also pulled and more firmly attached all 8 plug wires to the distributor cap. I guessing the NAPA economy line is just adequate, and requires the consumer to be more diligent…or I just have shit luck.

    So far the cause of the horrible noise has not been discovered, but I’ll keep searching.

    Hoping it wasn’t detonation I was hearing. The distributor base was very snug, doubt it spun and sent out timing. Will put the timing light on it later.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209235
    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209234

    Same here, that’s my preferred trans, but I worry that anything South of the clutch would be short-lived. But I love engine braking and rowing my own gears.

    Found this on kijiji, comes with flexplate, TC and NP241C t-case.×4-transmission-transfer-case/1489680790

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