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  • in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209920
    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209919

    Today in The Shop, the DR fired to life! I pulled the plugs to check spark, and poured a couple cc of gas into one plug hole. Fired on the second real kick. Even got a lil video clip, pretty excited.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209916

    Today in The Shop, a new project rolled through the doors. Just bought a winter project, not sure if it’ll be to keep or sell once springtime arrives.

    Behold, my 1988 Suzuki DR600S. I’ve just barely grazed the surface on this bike, but I’ve been lead to believe the bike is “close to running”, needs the carb cleaned of 2-years old gas.

    Gonna need some new parts still, front tire & tube, fork seals, brake pads, chain & sprockets. Once I get the motor to fire over, I’ll be more inclined to replace the consumable parts.

    Picture time

    in reply to: Swish Loop 2020 #209913

    @Krezz what a heck of a tour you all did, looked like a blast!
    How many days total was your trip?

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209911

    Today in The Shop, lots of machines have gotten attention.

    Dave’s weed eater, reattached the driveshaft, good to go.

    Redee, Truckee and Matt’s 4Runner all got their drivelines greased with some NLGI2 marine grease. Matts took almost 3 mini-tubes of grease, hopefully that’ll address a little ‘clunk’ noise he’s been hearing.

    Lastly, my ATV got a crush washer yesterday, filled with oil and fired up today!! Took the girls for a 100m tour down the street, we all loved it. So far only a small oil leak under the oil filter cap.

    A great day so far.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #209907

    Nothing new with Redee, think I’m still working on the same tank of gas from my last post almost a month ago. Shame on me I know.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209906

    @Finn see you tonight on your pit stop

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209903

    Today in the shop, spent some time with Truckee and a hole saw. Took no time at all, and the placement should be clear of most minor/major obstacles.

    I also took my tailgate apart today to figure out why I have to slam it 5 times to close. Just as suspected, good ole rust had created too much friction and stopped pieces from moving freely. An hour of careful disassembly, some wire wheeling, and fluid film have the tailgate operating perfectly once again.

    Lastly, the Yamaha dealership got 1 of 2 washers in stock, so I could button up that atv motor thats been sitting on my workbench for a month. The fun part is next week when I have to lift it back into Truckee haha.

    the two front bolts are the ones that got me worried. The muffler in the way on one side, and the gas tank in the way on the other. Not sure how to drive those bolts out if they are stubborn.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209893

    Today in The Shop, I cut, stripped and repaired the OEM trailer wiring harness using Princess Auto parts. I still have to test the new harness, and if all goes well, I’ll put a hole saw to the rear bumper and mount it permanently.

    Big shoutout to @Tacoma16 for hooking me up with used leaf springs. I met him in Fergus Sunday evening, and have been hosing down Truckee in PB Blaster since. Hoping to do this leaf spring swap at home over a couple nights.

    Also ordered new E-brake cables and brake shoes for Truckees rear. I know I still have some shoe life remaining (@ 138,000km), but I’m hoping to avoid tearing into my drums until at least 2030. Possible? Maybe. I’ve got almost 8-years out of this set, and so far it’s only the sticking cable that’s given me grief.
    Toyota wanted $141.95 per side for the E-brake cable…almost got my entire RockAuto shopping cart for less. Thanks to Collingwood Toyota for verifying part numbers for me.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209886

    Today in The Shop, I fixed a weed eater with a failing pull-start. I diagnosed the problem to be a loose housing, all 4 10-32 screws had rattled out the casing, allowing the pull start clutch to move separately from the engine. After a greasy disassembly, I added 4 new screws and tons of lock tight. (See the shiny new Robertson screw, all 4 originals had fallen out). My neighbour Dave should be pleased with the cheapness of my fix.

    Also in The Shop today, Matt dropped off his 1994 Honda TRX300 atv for a repair. The starter motor stuggles to engage, and sounds slow and gritty sometimes. Before we order a bunch of parts, I’m gonna separate, clean and reconnect all the electrical connections in the starter circuit. Not sure if I’d prefer a voltage problem, or A hardware problem at this point in time.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209877

    Today in The Kitchen, disappointing news from both Collingwood and Orangeville dealerships as told me that I’ve got no outstanding recalls or TSB for leaf springs. Only the L32 frame corrosion spray is outstanding (but I don’t quite trust that shit yet). So I’ll be taking Peter up on his leaf spring swap offer, and bust my knuckles next week.

    Today I’ll order my e-brake cables, and shoes from RockAuto and try to find somebody who will turn drums for a reasonable rate. I was quoted ~$230 from Collingwood Toyota, and that is NOT reasonable.

    Yesterday I ordered a new 7-pin wiring housing from Princess Auto for $4.99, and stripped the OEM harness from Truckee. I’ll shorten the harness a couple inches to eliminate the “stripped by Ardbeg” section and relocate the coupler into the bumper by the plate light.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209875

    Thanks for the info Steve. I will call and inquire with the dealership tomorrow. That’d be awesome to be covered by them.

    has offered to trade me a set of used OEM springs he got for mockup (I think). So if the Dealer has no FREE option for me, I have an alternative option.

    Today in the shop, I finished my neighbours generator about 15 mins after the delivery man dropped off parts. Still waiting on the battery, go figure.

    Once I had tidied up, I finished registration for the M1 —> M2 rider course. Pretty excited for that.

    About 45 mins later my buddy Matt called and said he sold the Katana. OH YEA BUDDY!!!

    Harley still for sale.

    Pretty good day today.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #209868

    Looks good man, hopefully it helps shed some heat!

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209865

    Yesterday in The Shop, some bodywork for my sister-in-laws first car. Had to reattach the front bumper, after a parking curb stone tried to remove it. A couple plastic push tabs, zip ties and rivets saved the day.

    Also in The Shop, I located the source of a consistent squeak coming from the back end of truckee. The spare tire is a weee-bit loose, and the steel rim is squeaking on the frame. Unfortunately I also found that Truckee has broken a leaf spring on the passenger side.

    Looking for used OEM leaf springs. Truckee is not in the market for “lift or HD” springs.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209864

    Thanks Steve! It had been a long time coming. Tomorrow registration opens for Rider Education @ Georgian College for September.

    My ATV is in great shape, I am 1 crush washer away from being able to ride it. There’s some worn out bits, a couple rust holes, frame dents and repairs to the plastics. Everything you’d expect on a 30-year old machine.

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