Forum Replies Created
KeymasterA handsome collection you’ve acquired in your time. You’re under an hour from myself and a couple Yota buddies here in Shelburne.
There’s a big trip to Parry Sound first weekend in October. Will prolly be a couple dozen trucks up there, only a handful are members on here though.
Keymaster@Dieseldude that’s quite the fleet you’ve got, a real Toyota addiction! Welcome! You’ll fit in just fine here.
Where abouts do you call home?
Keep an eye out on the “Meets and Events” section for trail runs. We have a few recurring get togethers, but 2020 has been kind of a bust (at least for myself).
KeymasterWith lots of help from Matt, we put the hardtop back on Redee. Three days later I still have not finished bolting it down, but she’s without a trans cable, and the urgency to bolt the roof down is very low.
KeymasterSunday in The Shop, new tools after meeting up with @Slick and Melissa. Great to meet you both, hope to see you in Ardbeg in 2-weeks!
That is all. No work done yet, but Truckee is gonna see some attention in the coming weeks. Tires, rear brakes & cables, leafs, carrier bearing… all this to come after I get Redee mobile again. The new shifter cable should arrive today sometime.
September 14, 2020 at 6:55 pm in reply to: Ardbeg: Oct 1-4 Grillin’ & Chillin’ (but not quite freezin) #210038toys-n-yotas
KeymasterBLACK LAKE!
I keep writing Clear Lake, only out of stupidity though. Black Lake is where we’ll be.
Keep an eye out for our convoy; Redee, Matt’s 4th gen, James’ FJ.
KeymasterAwesome photo, hopefully the wheeling continued afterwards.
KeymasterNo worries Steve, we’ll figure something out. If there’s a BS session on Sunday I might make it down.
KeymasterFinally got the broken shift cable out, such a pain. I can only hope that getting a new one in will somehow magically be less of a pain in the ass.
September 7, 2020 at 2:12 pm in reply to: Ardbeg: Oct 1-4 Grillin’ & Chillin’ (but not quite freezin) #210019toys-n-yotas
KeymasterHey Greg, hope you enjoy the birthday celebrations that weekend!
So far there are a bunch of attendees from TacomaWorld rolling in on Friday.
As it stands myself and 3 buddies are gonna arrive at Black Lake sometime on Thursday, October 1st. We’ll be parked in Matt’s 4th gen Grey 4Runner and James’s Yellow FJ. Keep an eye out for us.
KeymasterI lead James on a tour by the orchard in his new ‘08 Yellow FJ, and both trucks ran like champs. I hopped out of Redee to get a short vid of James in the FJ, and parked facing downward on a hill. When it was time to go, I couldn’t get Redee out of Park. The shift cable had finally failed. With a massive ratchet strap I was able to anchor off the FJ, pull the tension off the park detent pin and shift into a Forward gear. Once on flat ground (and with much assistance from James), I layed under Redee to manually select Drive on the side of the trans.
Other than the pooped cable, both trucks had a blast touring.
Thanks again James for not letting me run myself over haha.
KeymasterHey Steve, it’d be great if you could drop it off next weekend! As it stands I’ll be home for the weekend.
KeymasterHey Steve that’s an offer I can’t refuse! I’ll buy that unit off you.
KeymasterHmmmm, got a quote of $90+tax to blast my frame. Vs roughly $200 to buy all the tools & consumables. My undersized compressor may be upset running such a big blaster as well. Hmmmm.
Gotta see if my neighbour still has a blasting job he wants completed. That could sway my vote. My other neighbour (next door) has a massive compressor I could borrow, I even have enough airline to run from his garage to the corner of my backyard.
KeymasterCome on out to Ardbeg first weekend in Oct to Get an apples-to-apples test of tires 😎
KeymasterWell my test both passed and failed. YES the hardware works outside the cabinet. NO it is not effective for stripping the bike. BECAUSE the hose and nozzle only extend 4” outside the cabinet. Just a little awkward holding the frame in one hand, and blasting with the other, all the while employing the “anti-blindness safety squint”.
Inquiring into paying for the service vs. buying a gravity feed hopper for $150 from Princess Auto. Leaning towards buying the tool so I can charge others for the service and my time in the future. And who doesn’t love new tools eh.