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  • in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #211196

    Agreed, my pockets can’t dig that deep either haha. Should be a whole new animal at Ardbeg this year, he’s pretty stoked.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #211192

    Hey Kev, I’d definitely entertain the conversation of a 5VZ donor, the reliability and power output alone have earned their consideration in Redee. This donor you may know of, what’s the original host vehicle? Does it have a Left hand drop or right hand drop t-case?

    I’m already a little bummed out that Redee sit this year, buuut the wait’ll be worth it. And hopefully my bike will fill that fun void I’ll be feeling.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #211191

    My biggest grief with the seized parts is that i got 7 years and 144,000km out of originals and not seized, dealer puts in OEM LCA and bolts, and they’re seized in under 2 years/25,000km. Clearly they fucked something up. Worse, when I expressed interest in making it right, I wasn’t given any part #s, estimates or even a recommended course of action. Just “uhhh, tech says it’s seized”. Useless.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #211190

    I’m pretty sure James plans to pull the trigger on the Icon Stage 2 kit. It’s pretty complete with UCA, HD springs, shocks for about 2-3” lift? James wants HD springs all around cause the FJ will be heavy, and pretty much 100% loaded up ready to go wheelin’ on a whim. He’s plan ing to run RCI skids front to back, and make/install a drawer system for all his gear, tools and spares, a 12V system install too. A real 4WD Action inspired build, So the HD springs are already justified. I’m excited for the build up, I know FJs are plenty capable bone stock.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #211189

    Some creature comforts and fuel mileage should go a long way on your touring.

    I’m adding airbags to my Taco to handle my 250 cc atv. She handled the weight decent down the road, but I hit bump stops plenty once the road gets rough. Already have the bags, but laziness has pushed this task to spring.

    Has the LC started her trek to Manitoba?

    JetSki hauler sounds cool, hope the plans come through.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #211178

    You and your buddies looking to do more touring, or just less big tire thrashing?

    Do you still have the atv hauler you built?

    How’s the new shop coming along?

    A buggy would be sick! I get jealous when I watch buggies take hard lines, purpose built stuff is always exciting.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #211177

    I’m hoping that by stating my commitment out loud to myself, my wife and the internet will really help me stick with it. These trucks ARE old (older than me) and are getting harder and harder to find. I don’t want to have to look for another in 5-10 years time, or pay for it.

    As for the V6, I seriously considered that route Evan, especially because I’ve never heard of anybody actually say bad things about their 3.4L motor, and the trans is a little beefier than the W56. but I would have to cobble together parts from a few trucks to get it done. Most of the Tacos and 4Runners use a Left Hand Drop t-case behind the trans, and my first Gen uses a RHD tcase. I could use the stock trans from a 3VZ (3.slow V6) and chain driven T-case and acheive the RHD I need, but now I’ve gotta harvest from two old trucks instead of one newer truck. And I’m still dealing with cramming a V-block under the hood. And, I’ve already got a V6 at home in the Taco, it’s just not as much fun as a 4-cyl to wind out and beat on haha. I’m looking for fun, and a big jump in fuel economy. I know 4.10s and 33s are not great on the lil 4-cylinders, which is why I’m keeping a low pressure turbo system in the back of my mind. Bump 150hp up to 225-250 with 5-10 psi of boost, and have the best of both worlds. Efficient 4-cyl, with some power on tap with the flick of a switch (or twist of a dial). Only shitty part would be premium gas…..

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #211175

    In November James and I replaced the leaf springs in Truckee. Back in June I hauled my atv to Ardbeg in the bed of truckee, and at some point in the trip in I lost a bump stop and broke the passenger aide leaf (AGAIN!). I bought some 3rd gen leafs, bump stops and u-bolts off Patrick on TacomaWorld with about 13,000km on them. They were a direct fit, and I was super glad I bought the U-bolts too as I had to cut the old ones off. I also bought a set of airbags to install, but I ran out of time that day and haven’t made another attempt to get back out there.
    I havent noticed any improvement other than the rear of the truck sitting level again, and 1cm higher, but the steering wheel was pointed at 11 o’clock when travelling straight.
    I booked an alignment at Hallmark Toyota told them my issues arose because I just swapped leaf springs on my back on a concrete floor. They commended my effort than gave me THE ABSOLUTE WORST ALIGNMENT OF MY LIFE!! Lazy ass tech adjusted the toe ever so slightly to make red numbers green, and said “Ahh, job well done. That’ll be $150”. I was upset before I even paid my bill because the printout showed no attempt to adjust castor or camber, the values were identical before and after. So I complained and was told “uhhh, yea, we tried but everything is seized.”
    I let them know that my LCA and adjustors were 2-years old with 20,000km on them, OEM parts that were installed here. Perhaps the Tech didn’t try very hard?
    The service guy said, “we don’t warranty our repairs, your truck is in the green zone now, what more do you want?”
    I told them I will be back in a few days if the truck still tracks poorly.
    100m out of the dealership parking lot, I called and re-booked because my steering wheel was still off centre. I drove home furious because I felt cheated out of my money, lied to about the thoroughness of the alignment (lazy B didnt even road test), and possibly mislead about the condition of my LCA and adjustors. Are they actually seized?
    The re-alignment was only slightly better because now the steering wheel is straight, still NO ATTEMPT (or at least evidence of an attempt) to even the castor and camber Left/Right. So I’m still pissed.

    Uggghhh, can’t believe I forgot this epic tale of being eff’d by the dealership. Never again. Hallmark Toyota service department is dead to me. I suggest you all stay far away as well.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #211168

    Redee didn’t go too far last year, lotsa small troubles continued to add up to my frustration, and choice to take Truckee instead.
    -Redee was always running hotter than I’d like, I suspect the rad is due for replacement.
    -Redee was always a bitch to start, usually requiring some manual clocking of the flexplate. The flexplate is chewed up with a dozen missing teeth and the generic starter bolts allowed it to pivot away too easily. Proper knurled bolts and a new flexplate are the only solution
    -ATF puddles from the steering box, again replacement is the only solution
    -The pass side exhaust manifold has a crazy leak between two cylinders, unfortunately its from the runner and not the gasket. Again, I think replacement is required.
    -the windshield still leaks, so I keep Redee parked indoors to preserve the floors. Body work is not my specialty, so I’ll outsource this.
    -The floors and frame are starting to surface rust, so I will convert and seal it up before I’m dealing with holes

    This ever growing list is enough for me to keep Redee off the road for 2022, and focus on making her better as opposed to just limping along.

    And since 1/2 my problems are Chevy problems, I’m hoping to obsolete that powertrain this year as well with a 2RZ or 3RZ setup. Both motors are from a 1996-05 Taco, one being 2.4L the latter being 2.7L. I’m not set on one or the other yet, but wait until I decide on N/A or turbo. The 2.4L should turbo better with a lower compression ratio, and a lack of chain driven counterbalance shafts. Either motor will bolt directly to my W56 trans (on the shop floor) and be a huge improvement over the 22RE Redee once sported. I’ve decided Redee will be better driven with 4-cyl as oppsed to being parked with a V8….and manual trumps Automatic everytime.

    Here’s to 2022 and making Redee better.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #211164

    Well this thread has been stale for months, but the shop hasn’t been completely void of activity.

    The DR600S got a bunch of tweaks and upgrades to keep it road going and I finally sorted out the carb troubles. Figure I put on about 2,500km before I winterized in early November.

    In September I started chipping away again at a GSX-R 750 I got from my buddy two years ago and got it to start, idle and rev up to 13,000rpm inside the shop. Things were going so well I threw it up on kijiji for sale/trade cause I had no desire to kill myself on a 128hp crotch rocket from the 1990s. Sam appreciated my maturity.

    In October a kijiji trade came through on that GSX-R and I trailered home a 1985 Honda Goldwing 1200. Perhaps I showed too much maturity and skipped ahead to my retirement. The first day I tried to push the GL backwards into the shop….I nearly died. Took me two more days to get it in haha. I needed way more air pressure in the tires, and a 2×4 at the concrete threshold because 3” was too much to bump up and over.
    There’s some wiring troubles somewhere on the GL, and I had to strip 85% of the fairings to reveal the many harnesses. I’ve decided that I’m not going to put any of the 200lbs of fiberglass back on, and will end up with a sorta naked GL (thatI’ll be able to move by hand). Since I stripped the bike I havent done much, still havent heard the motor fire up, but I’m at the point where all I have to do is put in some fresh gas and cross my fingers.

    Currently the shop is hosting James and his FJ while he undertakes a couple weeks worth of restorations. He’s planning to wirewheel and rust convert the entire frame, figure out an electrical gremlin with the turn signals, and do a full tuneup to prep for the 2022 wheeling season. His goal is to be lifted and skidded prior to our spring camping in Ardbeg. Should his rust treatment work out, I’ll use the same products on Redee in the spring.

    Sad news, I don’t plan to renew my plates on Redee for 2022. I’m going to (hope to) do tons of work and a 2RZ or 3RZ motor swap. Going back to 4-cyl 5-speed roots, maybe with a turbo kit for some ooomph. We’ll see how finances look as the year rolls around.

    in reply to: 08fjttse Build #211163

    That’s a good chunk of work Kev! Bet the FJ cruises much smoother and further with the refresh work you’ve done.

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #211162

    Happy New Years Evan!
    That’s big news indeed for the LC, hope the new owner enjoys her as much as you did.

    The struggle is real to find 6-speed trucks! Slush boxes and 3rd gens are everywhere, but the good stuff is hard to come by. Best of luck to you finding your next epic Toy!

    in reply to: Slick’s 51 Dodge / Garage #211097

    That gear swap will really shake things up! Gonna be a real treat when spring comes around

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #211091

    Those tires and snorkel look wicked. Looks like you’re ready to forde about 60” of water! Got a set of chest waders to go with it?

    Glad to hear the Jet ski delivered on fun. I’ll be winterizing my bike this weekend, just gonna drain the carb, fill the tank, and coat the cylinder with motor oil.

    in reply to: 1980 Toyota pickup #211076

    Your sweet ‘80 up and running about yet? Love that style of pickup, hope to find one myself in about 15-years when the kids are grown and not needing to be chauffered about

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