Getting close! Can’t wait to see this rig!
I love that “no more payment” feeling! That’s when I lifted and started beating on my Taco.
Good thing your buddy was still awake!
The one i was fishing from there was a sit-on. it was very stable. My Clearwater Design tandem was very stable as well, but it weighed a lot and was 16″ long. now I just have the Pelican 12″, that I got on sale… it’s ok, but I’d like a better one.
I think the only ones that aren’t so stable are the skinny racing kayaks…
I like fishing out of a kayak too!
Cool! You certainly don’t want to fall in…
congrats J!
Had my 16′ tandem up at Ardbeg last year.
I heard there’s a couple of FB groups who have posted the meet too… I don’t have FB, so can’t verify those claims.
winch hooked up to front bumper to spin me a little more to the left, then pull me off the steeple 😛
then a very slow careful drive down, so as not to can-opener my door on that rock.
High centered moment in Minden.
I like that truck!
Those look like the rims tacoma16 has for sale. I like that colour!
that suzuki is killer! just roll er back over and way we go! fawkin’ A!
great meet guys! cult, 4307 and finn! good to see y’all again!
until next time lads!
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