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    I figured there were fancy ways about it, but you pulled off a damn clean cut.
    Any buyers or tire kickers this weekend?


    Just posted it tonight and got a buyer on the hook already. Still have to find the ownership…


    Should have the KZ750 gone by tomorrow, as well as the XR… Little more room for the 51 😀
    Gonna make some $$ on both bikes without even putting a cent into either!


    Sold the XR today for over 2X what I paid for it, with nothing into it – love it when that happens!
    Sold the 77 KZ750 and parts bike for $200 more than I paid for it, with nothing into it… I could have held out for more, but it’s nice to have the space back in the garage.

    My neighbour came by and asked if I wanted to buy his bike lift… Had a pocket full of $$, how could I refuse! I parked the 94 ZG1000 parts bike on the lift to save space.

    What a great day!!!


    Hope you used $3 to grab a lottery ticket, that’s an awesome day in the shop!


    LOL – Taking a hiatus from lottery tickets… Just working on cleaning up the garage.


    I can’t believe how much room is in the garage now with only 3 bikes and the Dodge (and lawnmower, and snow blower) in there!

    Wednesday, I take M’s Ninja in for an oil change and the front tire of my Connie – developed a slow leak… Can’t see anything, so I’m hoping it just needs to be remounted to seal it up. I’ll do the soapy water test today to confirm diagnosis…


    Just the pair of Connies and the Ninja in the stable?

    I missed out on a couple more kijiji bikes recently. Other Buyers are too fast now that most people are at home. Got my eyes set on a KLx650R that doesn’t run, but is complete and ran last year.


    Shit Tom, that’s a great find!

    I missed out on a 77 Kawi 500 triple. Complete, not running and only $650!!! I went back an hour later after I convinced myself to buy it and it was gone!

    You gotta go with your gut and jump on ‘em right away! I could have flipped that bike for $1,500 without even touching it! Really kicking myself for procrastinating on that one!

    Diagnosed the front tire leak today – torn valve stem:


    Roomy garage 😁


    Oil change done on the Ninja, valve stem fixed on the Connie. Ready to roll now… and it’s snowing 🙁


    Nice find on the valve stem, cheap fix other than remounting the tire.


    I pulled the rim off the bike and brought it in. Cycle One in Woodstock only charged me $6 to change it!

    (Mind you, the oil change on the Ninja was $95…). I usually do them myself, but priorities and laziness…


    Took the old Connie drag racing and did 12.5’s for the quarter mile.

    First time was the Saturday and blew an ignition coil when she slipped from 3rd gear back to 2nd at 11,000 RPM.

    Replaced the plugs and coils and went out again. Pulled off 12.5’s again and didn’t blow anything up this time (good thing because I had to ride home!).


    Picked up a 72 Honda SL100 the other day. Turns out it was my local MP’s grandson. Dave MacKenzie was at the shop when I went to look at the bike.

    We started talking politics, but then switched to cars when I told him I have a 51 Dodge Coupe. He told his grandson to show me around the shop. There must have been a dozen old Mopar’s there and a couple others. It was like a museum!

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