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KeymasterIs the OVTune engine or trans, or both? I’m glad it wakes it up a bit, gear hunting would be frustrating.
KeymasterLockdown was extended till June 2nd, no Ardbeg May 28 🙁
KeymasterToday in The Shop, my buddy Ratul and I spooned a new set of tires onto his Virago. Not too difficult, but I’m glad he was willing to get his hands dirty too.
I have ridden the DR600 to work twice this week, and am loving it. The chill in the morning works faster than my cup of coffee, and the fresh air blast on the way home does great blasting that “factory” smell out of my nose.
I made another attempt to reduce my fuel leak out the overflow, but the float needle valve is no longer sealing. I ordered a new OEM valve and seat assembly for about $70, but it’s back ordered. Hoping only a couple week delay, tired of gas staining (ruining) my driveway.
KeymasterGot another test ride in today after work, the fuel starvation was fixed!! Buuut I overdid the adj slightly, now the carb leaks gas out the overflow all the time…again. Tonight I’ll pull the bowl off, bend that tab a wee bit, and try to ride into work tomorrow.
Must find warmer gloves, and wear my full face helmet. Very cold nose, mouth and fingers today after a 45 min rip in 4 degree
KeymasterTryin’ my best to not get my hopes up haha. Highly doubt any restrictions will be lifted on a long weekends eve.
Worst case scenario, will pitch a tent in my backyard, and play drink the beer till my lumpy lawn is comfortable.
KeymasterIt occurred to me that the petcock has a strainer on the tank side. I think my mystery debris came from the transfer tube between carb & tank. I cleaned the carb, emptied and shook out the tank, but Never cleaned the transfer tube haha.
Still gotta go for a follow-up ride….gonna be a slow week waiting for my next chance. Or I can say F-it, and just leave for work about 1/2 hour early on Wednesday to account for potential troubles along the way.
KeymasterNot feeling too confident that the ban of Crown Land Camping is gonna be lifted on May 20th… anybody have a Private Property spot that can host us??
KeymasterFirst ride was awesome!
Unfortunately carb issues didn’t let me go very far. I rode roughly 12km in two laps, but the bike stalled out on 4 or 5 occasions. It seemed as though the carb bowl was being sucked dry, once stalled i was able to restart shortly after.
Once I got home I set into the bottom of the carb; I lowered the tab on the float to allow more fuel into the bowl, cleaned rust/debris out the bottom of bowl, and blew out the fuel line with carb clean and compressed air.
Since this was the first time I ever filled the tank, I was expecting to get some gunk to come through.
Spark plugs looked a little lean too.
The ebay speedo is pretty close, less than 10% out, error to the slow side. 55km/h indicated showed up as 50km/h on the community radar speed display.
I’m not discouraged in the least bit, just more motivated. I do need to let my kicking leg rest a lil, or start exercising to increase my kick-start endurance. Hmmm, one of those sounds way more likely than the other haha.
Hoping to have another GO at a real ride before the work week
KeymasterGot plated last night, this morning before work I adjusted the float height in the carb a little lower (so it closes fuel a little quicker) so it’ll stop overfilling the bowl and pisses out everywhere. Ready for my first ride….maybe today, maybe tomorrow.
KeymasterSafety complete! She passed with flying colours. *patting myself on the back*
Just need plates to complete the paper trail. C’mon Thursday, hurry up eh.
KeymasterTryin’ my best.
KeymasterThumbs up indeed man! Looks awesome!
KeymasterLooks better in the sun light.
Planning to get new decals and a seat cover for winter projects.
Safety tuesday, licensing thursday, rippin’ everyday after.-
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
KeymasterTonight IN The Shop, I rode the DR600S about 9 feet under its own power!
KeymasterWe all had a blast, however only James got to play in the soup.
My girls and I left the tour in favour of a hike about 300m before the soup started, the girls were tired of cruising and had energy to burn. I had no idea what the boys were into until I got the photos an hour later.
Matt stopped about 5 metres into the soup when it looked as though James wasnt gonna make it through. They both had to reverse quite a ways out before being able to spin the trucks around to drive out the way they went in. Our plan is to have another GO at this route heading Northbound as opposed to Southbound Perhaps this Sunday coming up. I’m torn between riding shotty in the FJ or firing up my atv.Pic attached is the “Entrance” if going North
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by