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Texted with @Finn the other day, he’ll be heading up Thurs evening.
James and I are most likely going Thurs evening.
Matt isn’t coming.Our target landing spot is the rocky point on Black lake. If that’s taken we’ll venture to the north side of Round lake, which is the next lake north of the main beach.
KeymasterToday in The Driveway, I installed a set of air bags in the back of the Taco. I bought these more than a year ago with leaf springs, and stock uCA off a guy from TacomaWorld, but had only installed the leaf springs thus far.
The air bags went in without fuss, in the scorching heat, with hand tools in about 90 mins. I still have to route the air lines in a more tidy fashion, but they’re tied away from the exhaust and pinch points so I’m happy for now.
I wanted air bags to stiffen the rear and keep off the bump stops when I have the atv in the bed. It’s only 557lbs (dry says google), but hangs on or behind the rear axle when loaded in the bed….short bed problems. Last year i hauled it to Ardbeg, and broke a leaf spring somewhere along the way, after losing the bump stop prior. Anyeays, this should correct the sag when loaded up, and prevent sag in the winter when the bed is loaded up with recovery tools, survival gear, leer top and ice buildup on the frame.I’ve put a picture from last time I had the ATv in the bed, pretty much squatted. Second is today, unladen with 30psi in the bags while I leak test them.
KeymasterYou get the dodge out to the drag strip yet?
KeymasterJust about The whole fleet is gone eh? What’s gonna fill the time and space you’ve freed up?
The Connie offer is sweet, but I can only justify one (insured) bike in The Shop. As I see it, Ive got 2 trucks and one just sits. Can’t do that with the bike too. I sulk enough when I see Redee idle and lonely haha
KeymasterThanks for the offer Steve, but I’ve been pre-approved by Sam to check out a new Tenere 700! Cost vs Service life justified it in her books, so I call that a win!
I didnt get much for the goldwing, but I didnt lose any money either.
KeymasterLast night in The Shop, I was much less successful as compared to Sunday night. Long story short, the clutch I was removing was missing parts, found out my decompression cable is broken, the OEM exhaust seals seem to be incorrect, and I found the winner of the “Cross threadiest bolt” award. Needless to say, I did not ride to work today, nor will I be able to this week. It is not all bad news though.
Item 1: the missing clutch parts, a wave washer and seat. I’ve ridden at least 3,000kms with these parts missing, so not mission critical. I’ve ordered locally for about $30, should be here this week. I think the purpose os the ensure separation of the first clutch plate to the hub, or to reduce chatter and/or noise when clutch is pulled.
Item 2: decompression cable, it only makes kick starting easier. It musta broke since my rebuild, because I adjusted that cable upon reassembly. Again, not mission critical.
Item 3: exhaust seals wrong, I’ll just put the old torn one back in and wrap the leAky joint with exhaust tape. It’ll be slightly better than how I’ve ridden all year.
Item 4: cross threaded bolt is just the kick starter retaining bolt. I’ll chase the threads and put a new M8 in.
Hopefully carb tuning and clutch break-in this weekend.
KeymasterLast night in The Shop, the DR got a couple hours of servicing, 2 outta my 3 main troubles were corrected.
First up was an oil leak from the stator side cover at the 2 o’clock position. I had lost roughly 1 L (out of 2.3L full capacity) of oil on two tanks of fuel ~500kms. Just as I suspected, a small tear in the gasket was the culprit. Hardest part was scraping all the old gasket material off the mating surfaces.
Second fix for the night was a carb clean and inspection. This was based off some seat time observations and spark plug reading. My biggest problem being that the revs steadily climb when stopped and up to temp. I’ve been slipping the clutch at stop lights to tame the idle speed, and my plugs looked VERY lean.
Just about everything in the carb was spotless, aside from a couple flecks of grit at the opening of the carb. The “Eureka” moment came when I pulled the needle jet and the assembly was in the wrong order! I’ll attach a before and after, but the spring and spacer were incorrect, leaving the needle jet sitting too low (lean), despite the clip being in the lowest setting. I corrected the assembly sequence, but left the clip height in the richest setting. I debated this a long time last night, but figured a little extra fuel wouldn’t hurt, and it’d only take me an hour or two to change its height if the rideability sucks.For good measure I put in new spark plugs too. Easier to read the carb changes this way.
Still on my list to do (hopefully tonight), the clutch needs to be replaced, and I’ll put in a new seal to the exhaust mid pipe.
KeymasterGoodbye Goldwing and piles of parts. So much room for activities! No regrets, bike went to a hardcore gold wing enthusiast. Perhaps I’ll grab another for cheap in the future after the atvs, DR, Redee and lawn tractor are completed.
Yesterday while baby was nappin’ I was able to replace the sticky throttle cable on my atv. All it needs now is a rear U-joint, and she’ll be up to 95% again. But I guess NEEDS is subjective, the old one is still hanging on, though just barely.
KeymasterToday in The Shop, nothing exciting haha.
I’ve gotten two offers on my Duratracs, both a little low for me to jump on.
I also posted the Gold Wing for sale, tired of looking at it, and it’s at least 4th or 5th in line for getting any attention. I’d rather sell it off, free some space, and put a couple hundred bucks towards Redee’s project. I’m only $250 into the Wing, so it’s pretty much guaranteed to return some minor profit.
I’m not sure what my next bike will be, but E-start is high on the list. Maybe a DR650, I love my 600 but some aftermarket parts would be appreciated. I really wanna test ride a Yamaha Tenere 700, but $12k sticker price is no good. Maybe a sport touring to chew up those psved kms between home & work. Regardless this will be a Next Year thing.
KeymasterA little high, James is hoping that his drawers, tools snd spares add a little extra pre-load to it. I still haven’t been for a ride in it, James still seeking out an alignment shop. I think he’s gonna replace his LCA bushing and eccentric bolts before going for an alignment. Rather do the labour than pay for the labour.
KeymasterThis weekend in The Shop, James finished up his FJ 2.0 installs, and rolled on out.
So far he says the truck feels sooo mich better, but needs an alignment to really shine. And some more weight in the back, apparently the rear didn’t squat much once the tires touched the ground.
He still has a couple odds and ends to bolt on, but the main is done.
Up next in The Shop, either the mini atv LT80 for my kids getting tuned up, or a new throttle cable and U-joint for my Quadrunner, or a clutch in my DR600. The mini atv has never run in my possession, my atv is heading to ardbeg in a months time, and the bike is having a tough time deciding if it needs a clutch or not.
After some of these easy jobs, I’ll switch gears to the donor 4Runner and yank the engine/electrical/exhaust.
KeymasterHaha how many sets of rear tires are you budgetting for this year?
KeymasterI’ll do my best to pull those parts after the motor is out
KeymasterGood job on that Ranger.
Are you interested in any parts on my donor 4Runner?toys-n-yotas
KeymasterJames bought everything from RCI when they had a site sale.
Yes Toytec coilovers, good eye.He grabbed a full set of skids and sliders from RCI at the same time, those will start going in this weekend I suppose.
I can’t wait to see the new stance on his FJ. It was pretty low in the front with the whinch bumper destroying approach angle from the oem (and possibly original from ‘08) struts. The 100 lbs whinch and 50lbs centre bumper was very noticeable for drivability. Quite looking forward to riding along on the next tour. There’s just so much more downtravel in the suspension, might need a taller jack to get the tires back on haha.