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  • in reply to: 87 4Runner aka BIG RUNNER #210186
    in reply to: Bigrunner for sale again #210183

    Beat me to listing it again … unfortunately as the story goes for this rig personal family life has changed and the time for it is no longer there so up for sale it goes . I listed it for a very steep price to try and deter the low balling teen Agers. If anyone is interested please message me
    705 977 2349

    in reply to: The BIG 4Runner now called YODA #207075

    So after weeks of the 18gallon ford tank in and out chasing leaks a brand new 18 gallon rear ford tank is on order to be installed hopefully for the last time. Being able to get out for a few shake downs inbetween massive fuel leaks had to use the winch once and possibly discovered either valve float or the 87 computer has no rev limiter in it ? I feel like the under powered 22re may become an ever growing issue with a lot of mechanical background and motor swaps what are every ones opinions on either rebuilding one of the many 22r /re blocks I have around to a mild performance build or preforming a motor swap to something along the lines of a Volkswagen tdi or a 2.2 ecotec I feel like this rig would be amazing with somewhere along the lines of 150hp/lbft at the flywheel . Wiring is a massive issue that is more and more showing it’s ugly face . This winter will be sad to see it all torn apart for the body lift removal rock slider and bumper re mounting and leaf pack adjustments hoping to get the roof of the runner down 5″ so it will squeeze into my shed I call a garage. Yea I know it’s a shame to “lower” this rig but being . A family toy I feel like its height will lead to a roll over and not something I’d like to put my family thru .. opinions on the cage would be helpful too. Should it be tied into the frame ? As it is now it’s only bolted to the rusty floor

    in reply to: annual assault on ardbeg, aug 10,11+12/18 #206939

    The wife and I were going to come up in the big runner but unforeseen parts store mistakes and a lost of employment have put the new tank instal on a side burner unfortunately we won’t make it this year

    in reply to: Wheeling and Truck Pictures #206923

    Toy-Yota you seem like the guy to bounce ideas off of and trail with the new tires are amazing only have had them aired down to 12 psi so far and only spun on a vertical rock face in the pouring rain

    in reply to: The BIG 4Runner now called YODA #206922

    So despite everything I’ve read I got the extra vent hole welded shut and a filler neck vent tube welded in and a charcoal canister vent all welded into the f150 tank got my mounting idea set in stone and got about 50 percent done before the wife told me to shut it down before the neighbours call the cops the down fall of living right in town . More pictures to come going to make slot of you mad going to be adding s filler / gas door to the drivers side of the 4 runner behind the rear wheel

    in reply to: Wheeling and Truck Pictures #206916

    First run with the big runner doesn’t exactly flex as much as I thought it would / driver error for a terrible line

    in reply to: Wheeling and Truck Pictures #206915
    • Gotta figure out and acquire or make the missing pieces for the soft top definitely need to get the hard top off and enjoy the reality of 1st gen
    in reply to: 36" superswamper irok #206914

    Yea going to be taking body lift out and a few leafs your following the build thread I made about it, I went to the 35’s for the shear price point , power of the 22re, and driveability bought it as a “family” toy so plan to load family cooler and head to local trails right from house so want it to be a little more road able .. I’m extremely flexible on price just want to get some cash back to afford a 35 or smaller? Spare for it going to be keeping the spare in the “cargo” area and would like a 35 to match or even a 34 or maybe 33 just as a get out of the bush

    in reply to: The BIG 4Runner now called YODA #206913

    So old tank out and draining it’s started to piss all over the garage at the seams as you can see from pictures the drive shaft rub and the dent and fold in the seem from the leaf pack clamp . So been talking with a buddy who built a truggy a few years back and I think I’m going to remove the body lift just trying to decided if mounting the f150 tank high and moving cargo area floor up or moving the shock mount down and leaving tank lower and more opportunity for collision course with ground .. rock sliders and bumpers are going to be adjusted and re mounted with better bracing and structure plating, rock sliders bend in the frame a lot under load , and planning on removing number 2 and 4 leafs from the packs to get so more flex and a little less height . Numbering them from smallest (bottom) to biggest (top/main leaf)

    in reply to: The BIG 4Runner now called YODA #206896

    Well found where the tank leaks the Swiss cheese surrounding the fuel level is probably a good start anyone else with first gens ever notice the drive shaft or leaf pack hits there tanks ? I think it’s time this rig gets a tank relocate

    in reply to: The BIG 4Runner now called YODA #206895

    Sent you a message very interested

    in reply to: 36" superswamper irok #206883

    in reply to: annual assault on ardbeg, aug 10,11+12/18 #206858

    I’m about 85 percent we are coming as long as it all works out we would b up there Friday before 5

    in reply to: BigRunner for sale #206853

    Haven’t been out too much did a 30 minute trail ride with the new “yoda” with my 2.5 year old son he won’t let us leave the house with out it now . So excited to get out more with the family such a nice upgrade from leaving kids at home or strapping them ton my chest and wife on the 4 wheeler

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