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The 85' 4Runner Orange Saphhire

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    Stinking guy backed out on me, his dad got wind that he was selling it and made him keep it because they’re gonna “restore it.” It’ll sit and rot away for another 15 years. Oh well…


    Bought this 2000 Sportsman for my wife, it has 900 Miles and seems to be pretty clean. I changed the oil and We took it for a half hour ride and it overheated….. grrrreat. Checked the water pump and it’s spinning freely, checked the thermostat tonight and it opens. Hopefully just gonna pull the rad after work tomorrow and flush it and then get a water pump gasket on Tuesday and see what happens


    Looks like a good score.  Hope the overheating issue clears up.


    Couldn’t be bothered to mess around with it anymore, on top of all the other small engines I have to fix and maintain. So I sold it to a super nice guy in Oakville and went and bought this today, my wife likes it more even though it’s kinda slow. But this is a lot newer (has a fuel gauge) and looks way simpler to maintain.


    Sweet little machine there!  400cc is a great size for smaller framed or novice riders..enough power to keep up, not too much to overwhelm if ones thumb slips.

    Hope the wife is pleased with her new ride!


    One wheeling trip planned end of August. So much of this summer is a write off, just so busy. Have a couple cottage trips planned for the quad but probably won’t take the Runner. Started messing around this morning with some half doors. Going to put in some cup holders. Too and figure out a way to run some side mirrors. Apparently I cut just the right amount out because I was able to use all factory sheet metal.



    I’ll have to fiberglass fill the door handle indent too but done more or less 


    That looks good!



    Looks pretty sick!  Hey, I just noticed the safety sandals a few posts ago…  lol!


    Evan those half doors look awesome!

    I was contemplating putting my tube doors on while I work to retrofit triangle vent windows into non-vent window doors. I think Finn was saying it can be done, but its gonna require some doorless time while I investigate.


    Hey Slick, Those are my very top-secret steel toe safety flip-flops. Great for chunks of flying sheet metal and grinder discs.


    Tom, get those tube doors on there and have some fun with the girls!!! I like the half door actually. I’m driving right now with the top off which I’ve actually never done in any of my 4runners.







    While I had the top off I figured I should clean up and bed line the bed rails. The top rubs the paint off and then often rust there. I used EZ liner and then I decided to blend it back in and paint it white. Touched up some trail damage too. And I did an oil and filter change. So it should be ready to go for the summer.


    Nice job! looks good.


    I can’t believe you waited so many years to go topless!  I love the airflow, and visibility. Topless and half doors you should be able to thread a needle with the Sapphire.

    I was cruisin’ topless for a week, but my daughters were too hot in the sun. So I put the Canback on again, and keep it rolled up.

    I didnt put the tube doors on, realized I’d have no side mirrors. So I’m brain thinkin’ up a mount, while working on swapping over the Vent windows. Might get one side completed tonight.

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