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Redee – 1986 4Runner

Home Forums TRUCK BUILDS Redee – 1986 4Runner

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    Nice score!  I used my sand blaster once and decided it was too messy for my liking, so I just let my bumpers patina to shit!  I think they look great!

    I hope I keep motivated enough to use my welder – I don’t want to let that sit.



    Let us start with a picture tonight.

    That’s the colour of the gas coming out of the tank. I used a piece of white cardboard to not deceive you using Redee’s paint to skew things. Remember, this was diluted with 15-20L of fresh gas in October when I got Redee fired up the first time.

    Alright, here’s an unpleasant sight on top of that.

    So I guess I’m buying a fuel pump hanger too. I figured I’d break all the lines on top, but luckily I only broke the high pressure line.

    Glad I didn’t spend $280 on that mig welder Mark & Steve, a fuel pump hanger costs the same. Also gotta factor in gas tank cleaning, I’ll pay for that.

    I’m just about fumed outta the shop for tonight. Eyes starting to water is a bad sign.

    Cheers for beers!!

    ps. I also only broke 2 of 6 skid plate bolts. 1 front centre, 1 rear centre. Hoping for better odds when I drop the tank after 2 more siphons of shitty gas.


    Thanks to Hallmark Toyota for giving me an OEM part number for my Pump Hanger (23206-35160).  Part has been obsoleted with no successor, so it’s on me to find one elsewhere.



    Amazon wanted +$60 for this same unit.  Listed $155usd, would cost me $315 cdn to my door.  Freakin’ double the listed price!!

    Still trying to source the hose which attaches to the outlet. (90923-01324).  Another obsoleted part. Might be cheaper to get one custom made. Need a threaded end for the pump hanger, 5’ of high pressure hose, and clamp it to the Holley fuel pump.


    That’s insane, you’ll never find a used one worth using either. Is yours rotten?


    It is really rotten, just crumbling away as I handle it. Where the high-pressure line broke, the hard line was almost completely perforated.  The rest of the tank (that I can see so far) including the mounting flange appear to be pretty solid.

    I had found a used pump hanger on ebay complete with pump, but it was hardly any cheaper. I already bought a pump kit in June/July in anticipation of it being a little gummed up.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by toys-n-yotas.

    all I can say is wow!


    but if you need it, you need it….


    Grabbed a few pieces off a ‘88 4Runner going to scrap tomorrow, got the sunroof wind deflector and hard topper (baby blue) were my big score items. Was hoping to get a spare set of IFS hubs, but somebody got them yesterday.  I also forgot to grab the rearview mirror, which is one of the parts which brought me all that way

    In hindsight I shoulda grabbed the CV shafts, but it slipped my mind and I was on a tight timeline to get back home for Sam to nap before work tonight.

    Buddy had a second 1988 4Runner, V6 manual that he DD’s. Really nice shape too. I sent him a link to TNTT, perhaps he’ll join up.


    This baby blue gem is gonna get a pretty big hole cut into it. Plan is to buy a sheet of tinted & UV shielded lexan/acryllic, and replace about 75% of the roof with it.  My intention is to create a MASSIVE moon roof (fixed not opening) for star gazing.  My girls and I love to star gaze, and this mod will enhance the experience for all of us. I’m already spoiled with a sunroof, but the girlies would only have to sliding windows to view out.

    I’m worried the CanBack will be too drafty for the wee ones, and still won’t have any upwards visibility. So yet  another “stage 2” project and its pieces are accumulating.  If  Sam and the girls get their way, this’ll be painted purple before it goes atop Redee.


    tom, man you keep en-massing parts n pieces at that rate, you’ll have make it a full time job just to get it done. i’ve still got the heater vent pc you need by the way


    Mark, thanks a bunch for the heater piece. That ‘88 I checked out was broken the same as mine, so didnt bother taking it.

    I’ve gotta start spending on parts, Redee has been here since June and hardly closer to the road. Been saving my pennies for road legal. Also pretty sweet to have the Taco is paid off.

    I struck out at two places today trying to dispose of old gas. However, tomorrow I’m gonna call the local Auto Recycler /Scrap Metal guys. They must have a means of collecting old gas before they shred cars for scrap metal. Hopefully they accept it, for cheap.

    That old washer jug is full of “gas”…if only it was Craft Beer


    I might be able to a rear view mirrow for you if you would like it. That top looks like it’s in really good shape.

    As for the soft top, I never found my friends Canback to be drafty at all, I was always surprised at how well it seals and it’s really made with quality. But maybe for the girls it would be. Nothing better than a soft top 4runner it really is awesome for camping


    hey young fella, i might be thru your area the end of the month. if so, the ducting will find it’s way to you.

    pour a cup full of that old $h!t into the tank with every fill up in both vehicles an it’ll be gone in no time with no expense


    Mark, thanks a bunch for possible delivery if you do make it through town here.

    As for old gas, I’d rather pay $0.50/L to dispose of it, than $100s-$1,000s to replace clogged filters, injectors, in the Taco. Playing it safe.


    Evan, I have a rearview but its half-stained in rusty mouse pee. Gross. Anything you have to offer would be appreciated.

    I am only assuming CanBack would be drafty, but I think tbe fastest I ever had the BigRunner travelling (aside from on a trailer) was 50km/h and nobody was in the back. My girls have never actually ridden in a 4Runner in motion, but we accumulated hundreds of imagination kms through the jungles and forests near us.

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