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  • in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209608

    can’t knock a deal like that!

    in reply to: Slick’s 51 Dodge / Garage #209603

    No, it was a sheet of glass framed by 2x4s. Hence why it rotted and everything under it…

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209602

    That Suzi is way better than a Virago! Good choice!

    in reply to: Slick’s 51 Dodge / Garage #209598

    Framing complete and a real window installed:

    in reply to: Slick’s 51 Dodge / Garage #209595
    in reply to: Slick’s 51 Dodge / Garage #209590

    Next project in the garage – tear out the rotten window and all the dry rot below it. Melissa was back at work this week, so perfect opportunity to get some quality time in the garage.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Slick_Yota.
    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209589


    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209581

    No posi, so it only leaves 1 stripe…. not as cool, but it can leave a good 50′ or so. If I control the revs and use the brake, it’ll just keep going!

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209578

    NIce! I accomplished absolutely nothing today – just visited some family and took the Dodge out to burn off a few mm’s of rubber 😉

    in reply to: woodstock bull$h!t sessions #209577

    Sounds like a good idea to me!

    in reply to: Slick’s 51 Dodge / Garage #209576

    Is that your bro-in-law?

    in reply to: My First Land Cruiser #209568

    Trailer looks great!

    in reply to: Slick’s 51 Dodge / Garage #209561

    Finished drywalling the garage ceiling. Tape and mud next.

    Also installed 6 – 5000 lumen corn LED bulbs. They were on sale at TSC. It’s like daylight in there at night now!

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #209560

    Some nice Kijiji scores there!

    in reply to: Liberal’s new gun ban #209548

    Latest update from Omkaar. Unfortunately the links from my email don’t carry over on this site…

    Well that didn’t take long
    Remember on the last email when talking about the OIC ban and shotguns, I pointed out that it does not matter what the minister says because first off bill blair is a liar and secondly because the RCMP has been know to reinterpret the law as they see fit.

    Well it seems that they are both keen to prove me right.

    Here is lying bill proclaiming that shotguns are not being banned:

    And here is the list of shotguns that the RCMP has arbitrarily changed the FRT for moving said firearms from non-restricted to prohibited:

    So good news right, because none of the popular shotguns are on that list, no remington, mossberg, benelli. I mean those are just cheap turkish made shotguns, some of them even look scary.

    If you own a gun and haven’t woken up to the reality of what gun owners in Canada are facing, then you are as bad as lying bill except that you are only lying to yourself.
    We need to pull together as gun owners and oppose this OIC. If we don’t do it now, next time will be too late.

    Okay, So what can we do?
    There are a couple of actions that we can take to start pushing back on this.

    1. By allowing a section of Canadian society to continue to hunt with firearms banned in the OIC, the gov’t is creating divisions in our society and discriminating against other Canadians. For that we have legitimate grounds to file a human rights complaint and let them know you are unfairly affected by this. Details on how to do this can found here:
    File a Human Rights Complaint

    2. Join the CCFR or the CSSA. Both of these organizations are already engaged in the fight and need our support. The CCFR has announced that they are in the process of filing a Charter Challenge, this will cost money and they will need all the help they can get. If you are already a member please consider making a donation towards the lawsuits that they are filing against the govt.

    3. Flood your MP and Parliament with letters, emails and phone calls. I keep saying this in every email because it is important that you do this even if your MP is liberal, let them know that you are a law abiding firearm owner and will be out canvassing for their opponent next election. Get your friends and family to do the same. This is stupidly easy to do. Set a goal to call at least one politician every day.

    4. Sign these petition and every other petition that you see about rolling back the OIC.
    Don’t forget to look for the confirmation email and click the link to confirm signing (check your junk/spam folder).
    E-2574 Petition Sponsored by MP Michelle Rempel Garner
    E-2576 Petition Sponsored by MP Todd Doherty
    Get your friends and family to do the same. Yes, I know they ignored the last petition, but this is a legitimate way for us to register our opposition to these unjust changes to the law.

    5. Get active on Social Media. Twitter and Facebook maybe cesspools, but the reality is that many look to both of those sites for information, we need to make sure that we are there presenting cohesive information.
    We must ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be pleasant, polite and factual. Any information we present must be backed by fact from established sources.
    We need to remeber that we are not talking to like minded people, we are talking to two audiences;
    i. The anti gun crowd who will use any reason they can find to try to paint us as fringe, right wing, conspiracy theorist, extremists nutjobs. We cannot change their minds becasue they are idiots, ignore them.
    ii. The misled people in the middle, these are the people who we need to reach. They only know what they see on tv, they don’t know firearms and think that our laws are the same as the US laws. We need to point out where they are wrong or misguided and in a polite friendly manner educate them.

    Discussions about anything outside of the generally accepted norm is not recommended.
    Some places to start:
    Bill Blair Facebook page
    Justin Trudeau Facebook page
    Liberal Party of Canada Facebook page

    Thank you and Stay safe,

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