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woodstock bull$h!t sessions

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS woodstock bull$h!t sessions

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  • #205127

    just cuz sontt died doesn’t mean we quit!
    what: monthly coffee meet
    when:7:30pm,2nd sunday of the month
    where: mister steaks, drumbo rd n 401, exit 250
    i try to post up in time any changes in time, date or venue so as to not screw with any ones plans
    hope to see you out

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Webmaster.

    I’ll be there this Sunday!


    Aiming to be there Nov 12th!


    Wish it was not that far from Torobto 401/400…


    No go for me tonight folks,Deb is in town from AZ,priorities,LOL


    you go buddy!!!
    the rest of you suspects… see you in about 11/2 hrs


    well, that’s 1st official tntt woodstock bull$h!t session over n done. coffee was imbibed, lies were swapped, good times. kevin, thanks for the swag. steve, give me a couple days to make some room. see ya’s next month fellas


    Good drive tonight, and fun times at the shoppe! Ice cream and drinks, what a start to the colder season! hahah.

    See ya’s in a few weeks.


    a week tomorrow, dec 10th. be there or miss out on some bull $h!t n other stories!


    i’ll be out of town for the December meet.


    I’m not fully sure yet if I’ll be able to make a weekend in December.

    Bunch of family events on almost each weekend, that will occupy me for various time lengths depending on how good their dinners are and how much I love them lol.



    so, is any one comin’ out sunday evening to help me drain a pot of coffee?


    I’ll have to be a game day decision.

    I’ll try to update via the mobile phone as to what’s happening once I know for sure.



    Hey Mark,  I’ll catch up with you the week of the 18th after work…


    10-4 brother. assume you’re on days then?

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