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Redee – 1986 4Runner

Home Forums TRUCK BUILDS Redee – 1986 4Runner

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    Good Luck!

    I’ve been meaning to get out to the garage to start working on the bikes, but it’s just too damn cold!


    Yea it wasn’t fun hitting up the coin carwash this morning   I had mud still on my bike from when I got chucked and broken July 2018!  Super clean now, fresh oil, and started on the first kick!!  I gave her about 10-kicks holding the kill switch to prime the fuel/oil a bit.

    Kijiji is really heating up this past week.  Matt and I have two kijiji’rs lined up to buy the flipper bike on Sunday.  It’s a low km 2007 Yamaha XT225 that we got in the fall.  Clean, but a little too slow for us to keep, and tons of room to make a profit, even with some negotiation.

    Tomorrow should be fun day, lots on the agenda.  Wasaga road trip, alignment, potential new bike (to me) and regardless of the outcome, a cold beverage or two.


    That’s a clean looking XT!  Sent you a text…..


    Only half a celebration today.

    Redee had her frame welded up solid, and now tracks dead straight heading down the road, even when she hits a bump.  Brian and Justin knocked it out the park!

    Unfortunately, a POS F250 was on the alignment hoist too long before me, so I wasn’t able to host the kijiji bike guy today.  We talked on the phone, and both want the same thing….each others’ bike with no money out of pocket. So my fingers are crossed we’ll link up this weekend still.

    And, no cold beverages yet, waiting to see if I have to go out driving to pick up my oldest daughter from a sleepover.  Figure I’m within 60 minutes or so from Beer-O-Clock.


    KLX guy came, inspected, and left.

    Shortly thereafter, the potential buyer for the XT came, inspected, shook hands on an offer, and will be back tomorrow with cash in hand.

    The girls got their cruise in Redee yesterday…the girls have started to call her “Brownee” on account of her new earthy tones.  I used a Bruce Trail parking lot as a turnaround spot, and nearly got stuck.  A little 4-by engagement, and mountains of sloppy wet snow were sent flying, so Redee the girls and I were able to continue on our tour.

    In the next couple weeks I’ll test that the rear locker works, and hopefully proceed to wiring up the ARB compressor.  I gotta make a home in the dash for the new bank of switches I’ll require.


    Redee tucked in for the night after burbling my kids to sleep.  Teamwork right.

    I had to put the fender flares back on, at least till I get skinnier tires.  I am trying to get Matt’s pitted OEM 17’s off his 4Runner for $50, the Michelin LTX’s on them are worthless, and rims need some refinishing.  Perhaps next winters project.   Back to the flares, On Saturday we went out cruising and my side windows were 80% covered by road spray, with the flares on it went down to about 10% coverage.  Worth it.


    Gott’r in first try.  Wet treads don’t lie.


    Today I adjusted the tach 1/4 turn lower, will see how it affects as the rpm gets above idle.

    I also swapped out a couple led bulbs which have the polarity indicated for the turn signals.  Now they illuminate in the gauge cluster. Sweet.

    Also power washed Redee.  Girls should be happy to see when ai get them from school.


    How do you like the duratracs so far? I’m looking At a lightly used set but I’m not Sold yet.


    Evan, I am a Duratrac guy and can’t sing their praises highly enough!  I have run 3 different sizes on 3 different vehicles.  Winters, towing, Ardbeg, no complaints.

    That being said, don’t buy wider than necessary.  Skinny is better.  I find that Redee floats wearing 12.5” (315mm) where Truckee (Tacoma) wears stock 10.5” (265mm) width and performs a little better.

    I have 85,000km on Truckee’s set, and they are just OK this winter, if they were unsafe I’d have replaced them already.  (My wife’s caravan is running snows on steelies and it grips way more on hard packed snow). They are noisy, and unbalanced but that started around 70’000 mark when my alignment, balljoints and steering took a dump. The front left corner of Truckee was chewing up tires, feathering the inner treads visibly.

    I bought <b>LT</b>265/70-17 for Truckee, and will get exactly the same thing sometime this year.

    For Redee, I will buy skinnier ones next time.


    Today I clearanced the last interference on the steering shaft, that only occurs when going uphill reverse turning left, like into my driveway from the road.  Anyways, it’s gone now.

    I also dialed in the tach again today.  The needle sits low below 1200 rpm, but is nearly spot on to 3,000.  I didn’t go any faster than that.


    Due to the fact Shelburne has 15-20cm of snowfall in the forecast, and the mechanical side of the locker is working, I’m really motivated to get the compressor sorted out.

    Today I unpacked all the boxes, and laid out the harness inside Redee.  It looks like I only need to extend one wire from the switch bank to the drivers side fender where I plan to get IGN switched power from the Defrost circuit.

    Mocked up location for the compressor and locker switch.

    Tomorrow I have to remove the spare tire and a car seat to mount the compressor in the cargo area.


    It would appear I also have enough slack to mount the switches overhead.  It’ll fit sorta wedged between the sun visor, and black post of the mirror hanger.

    Overhead switches are cool, but do I want illuminated switches so close to my mirror?  Nighttime glare y’know.



    My new Taco has switches in the roof console, but they’re not illuminated (at least I don’t think they are…).  It would definitely be easier to see them at night if they were illuminated.  They are for my sunroof and I never use that anyway.

    I put a 4WD illumination mod in my 09 Taco and I love that one because I occasionally need 4WD at night.

    As long as they’re not too bright, shouldn’t be a problem…


    Thanks Steve, I’ve never had overhead switches, so not sure what to expect.

    I know that both switches are  illuminated, one of the wires I tagged in the harness was for “dash illumination”.

    I’m trying to factor the likelihood of the switches being activated accidentally, or damaged from my children climbing around if I put them down low by the shifter.  That would be the easier location to mount to, and right at hand when it’s time to activate them, but there’s no “cool points” to gain.

    Overhead has plenty of cool, and all the new TRD Offroads have their crawl control wizardry up there.

    kinda leaning towards overhead, so long as I can rig up a mounting plate that looks half-decent, since I’ll be forced to look at it frequently.

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