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annual assault on ardbeg, aug 10,11+12/18

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS annual assault on ardbeg, aug 10,11+12/18

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  • #206866

    Entirely doable, mine should be packed packed Wednesday as well. I normally bypass Stayner but could meet you at Timmies, that’ll allow me and the gf to grab some supper.


    cool, we’ll plan on that then. can finalize later, i’ll be in touch


    hey jon, was just preusin’ n plottin’ on the map. i’m figuring drive time from woodstock to stayner at about 2hrs 45mins. so if departure time is met i should be there about 9. yeah, i’m itchin’ to get up there!


    Shitty story short, I can no longer attend the get together.


    It’s a boring story surrounding work and family, I’ll share at a coffee meet.


    Sorry everyone.


    (Small chance the Saturday night I might be able to attend, but not getting excited yet)


    Finn;  just me coming, girlfriend is working that weekend so let me know where and when you want to meet up and we’ll convoy




    windigo, we’ll plan on as posted last by me. if you could pm your cell # later. my # will be posted up in “members only” the evening of the 8th. talk to you later man


    aw man krezz, that sucks. i understand family but work. hey you could call in with ‘anal glaucoma’ , “yeah boss, i’m not seein’ my a$$ comin’ in today” trust all is well buddy


    if any one is just pickin’ up this thread here, READ 1ST POST, PAGE ONE for details


    so, any one else thinkin’ of joinin’ us for some mischief n mayhem?


    Updated list:

    1) finn the kareilian viking

    2) 4307

    3) Slick_Yota

    4) FJTTSE

    5) WindigoWanderer



    There’s 2 maybe 3 more coming Friday night. They forgot their password so can’t post haha


    The wife and I were going to come up in the big runner but unforeseen parts store mistakes and a lost of employment have put the new tank instal on a side burner unfortunately we won’t make it this year


    @ Nick ratchet straps are your friend👍 lol


    nick, that sucks on the employment was lookin’ forward to meeting you


    i sure hope they get at least the forecasted rain up there

    i’m hearing some scuttle butt that some members maybe getting to ardbeg earlier on thursday. we’ll see if they can get round lake nailed down. trusting they’ll post up if they do

    see you guys up there

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