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  • in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #212210

    The TIS subscription has now birthed actual physical results in my project!

    With the really tedious cross referencing over, I confidently made a couple excel charts to compare what my reference doc says VS what i actually have, both pin position and wire colours. Huge pain in the ass, but this .xlsx is worth keeping.

    With my E9, II3 and Data Link 3 wires identified, I started actual work to de-pin the useless crap, and cut the connectors out of the interior harness with plenty of OEM wire tails hanging out.

    So now I’m left with an interior conversion harness that consists of about 15 wires total, where about an hour ago it was more like 15 – 30 pounds of wires. The portion of the donor harness that remains, unfortunately has no resale value, but Ill try anyways. I’m sure the relay boxes and junction blocks could be of use to somebody eventually.

    Hopefully by weekends end, I’ e got the conversion harness wrapped up and starting to go into Redee. That’d be huge.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #212209

    That donor is so much cleaner than my bike top to bottom, may be worthwhile to just toss my motor and carb into that frame.

    Last week i got the brakes in natts atv sorted out, fluid flush and bleed.

    I got prestons daughters atv sorted out when the AliExpress parts arrived. Fit perfectly, had it all together in 20 mins or so. They went out the next day and sent me a “total success, 1,000 thank yous” text from the trail.

    Matt’s scooter is still down waiting on a voltage regulator coming out of the states. Amazing prestons china parts beat matts texas parts by over a week and still counting.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #212208

    I ordered the subscription friday evening, it expired last night, downloaded some 1,700 separate documents, most in a Marathon session from 8pm -3am last night. I had false impressions that it was gonna be quick or easy to harvest a whole vehicles worth of documents, but I had my eyes opened quickly.

    Anyways, I started with the documents I needed to correct the wiring legend I was referring by getting full wiring diagram of a ‘964Runner and ‘01 Tacoma. From there I captured everything 22RE related, then almost everything for the 2013 Tacoma, then almost everything electrical/wiring for James’ ‘08 FJ.

    I have finished cross referencing the two documents for the ECM wiring, and am 2/3 finished the IK2 (my II3) body harness. Some excel charts and screen shots are helping to keep me straight.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #212205

    I’ve decided to purchase a 2-day pass to Toyota’s Technical Information System so I can download the year and model specific wiring diagrams. I did my best to correlate between what I have, but 3 wires from the ECM I’ve had to add the qualifier **MAYBE** to the function. I really don’t want to screw up the ECM by putting power to the wrong pin, so $25 US is cheap-ish insurance. I’ll also download ALL the manuals for Tacoma, 4Runner and FJ while I’m in there, get my monies worth.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #212201

    My trusty wiring guide has let me down, not because of the authors fault, but because we harvested different vehicles. I think he used a ‘01 Taco, vs my ‘96 4Runner.
    So the pinout diagrams for the IK2 body harness don’t align, and worse yet, of the 3 different service manuals I have, none show my early gen3 wiring harness.
    The first mentioned guide is from a Taco which doesn’t match mine. The second reference, My ‘96-‘02 manual uses an ‘02 as reference which doesn’t have an IK2 connector AT ALL. The ‘96 T-100 manual doesn’t show body harnesses at all.

    So, I will spend some more time trying to cross reference wire colours to the guide, and/or a more manual labour version using my multi meter.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #212196

    Today in The Shop, another donor has been pushed inside. Matt and I jumped on a donor motorcycle, a 1990 DR650S, which aside from the engine and rear swingarm and brakes, is identical to our bikes. The donor however arrived as a rolling chassis, along with an ‘87 DR600S motor! Wild! My bike is an ‘88, Matts an ‘86, so that motor is a perfect spare for both of us. The best part, the price, we split the $400 asking price.

    This will be picked on later, nothing on either of ours bikes is in dire need. So it’ll just lean in a corner till I can pack it away further. Matt still hasn’t seen it in person yet, out of town a few more days.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by toys-n-yotas.
    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #212194

    Today on The Shop, some electrical diagnosis Matts scooter. It’s been blowing it’s only fuse as soon as a fresh one is installed… Matt thinks he may have accidentally hooked up the charger backwards…

    I started checking continuity between the battery ground and the fused battery lead off the battery. Shortly after the battery, the voltage regulator takes these two leads And does some wizardry. With the regulator installed i got continuity, with it uninstalled it went away. After some digging, and with a tip from Matt, we found the voltage regulator specs, and confirmed his is indeed pooched.

    New one ordered, coming from Texas, hopefully soon. Some glorious weather forecast over the next two weeks.

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #212193

    Ran some wires in Redee late last night, checked a couple boxes off my list. I decided that 4 gauge wire was indeed overkill, so i bought another set of 6 gauge jumper cables to cut up. Still paid less than what I could, to buy just 10 ft of 6 gauge wire, and ive got a new set of 4 gauge to throw in the trunk.

    Anyways, I ran that 6 gauge from the relocated battery to the original fuse box. I ran it in a loom with a run of 14 gauge that will tie the starter solenoid to the connectors in the passenger footwell.

    Under the hood, all that remains for wiring is bypassing the charcoal canister solenoids so it won’t throw a code. But that’snot important now. I’m turning my attention towards the connections in the passenger footwell.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #212189

    Yesterday in The Shop, I diagnosed a “wobbly wheel” condition on my buddy’s atv. Looks like a bad wheel bearing, but not at the same time.

    Quick diagnosis started with removing the wheel, and that’s all it took. The brake drum is also a hub, and is supposed to have splines in it. Looking for parts, think we found a hub for each side, waiting on sellers to confirm spline count.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #212185

    I’ve been spraying the deep creep almost everyday, still no movement, me thinks the mechanism is damaged as opposed to just stuck. Gonna give it another week of deep creepin sprays.

    Have been working on atvs the last couple nights, finally got my LT80 sorted out and posted for sale just today. I think last week I got it running, and on the test drive it had lots of rev but no go, like a clutch was stuck, or belt worn thin. It took me a couple nights s to get the clutch cover off, it’s not supposed to come off with the engine still in the chassis. As soon as it cracked loose, a thin black oily substance started ooozing out. Not good for a belt driven system to be in an oil bath.

    Anyways, my theory is that the leaking Petcock flooded that clutch housing, and lots of belt slippage turned the gas back and greasy. My fingers are still stained. I cleaned everything with lots of brake clean, then sanded the edges of the belt to take the glaze off. I’ve restored a lot of the speed, but this machine is not for us. Posted on Kijij. Already looking for its replacement

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #212179

    So my 4 gauge jumper cables arrived, and i think “overkill” may just be the definition there.

    I measured the diameter of the The wire that I removed, Andy after removing the protective sheath, discovered a splice at the midpoint. One side measured in at about 0.150” for 7 gauge wire, the other half was a measly 0.080” making it 12 gauge. Once again I guess i stress for nothing, what i bought is way more than necessary. A shame to chop up these new jumper cables

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #212177

    Well there’s a good reason Redee has been parked in the exact same spot for almost 2 full years haha. I usually charge my neighbours, but I’ll take on easy jobs for beers. Bicycles for the kids and wives are free, just gotta soft spot for bicycles.

    Today I cut down my spare tire, not my favourite task, hurts me to cut truckee. Tried to scrape rusty off the bolts, got them soaking in PB, maybe I’ll be able to remove the hanger and replace it with another that I have. Also must try to locate that…once upon a time i knew exactly where i put it.

    in reply to: The 98’ Tacoma build #212174

    Diggin’ the retro stripes on your barge!!

    in reply to: Redee – 1986 4Runner #212171

    Went to Sauble Falls provincial park with my family Fri-Sun, went to black lake with my buddies thurs-sun. I’m thoroughly camped for the time being, still jonesing for more though.
    We were able to camp on the point, didn’t even see/hear another vehicle till Saturday morning, was so quiet.

    Made some effort into wiring Redee the other day. Got the alternator connected to oem wiring, and am waiting on 4-gauge wire to finish connecting the relocated battery to the fuse box under hood.

    in reply to: Toys-N-Yotas: The Shop #212168

    Well another week of speaking in PB has yielded no results, gotta break out the electric knife and metal go-back-together machines.

    Last couple of days I’ve been working on atvs. About 2.5 years ago I bought an LT80 for my kids and parked it in the shed. I dragged it out, and spent some money recently. For $100 I bought a new carb, Petcock, starter relay and brake cables. Everything except the relay has arrived, and the atv starts and idles great, takes throttle but has no travel speed at all, like 10km/h screaming like it’s doing 1,000,000. The internet suggests i tear into my clutches, expecting to find the primary clutch either filthy or worn out, the belt very thin or wet, or secondary clutch sticky. Regardless I’m not interested in doing any of this, juuust wanna sell the MF’r. It’s much too loud for in town (thanks to a D&G race pipe).

    I also took on my neighbours YFZ50 atv, me thinks it needs a starter, gotta confirm so he can order parts.

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