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    Hey It matches your TLC. Right on man, congratulations. Looks good.

    What does the frame look like?

    I predict a SAS in its future.


    thanks ryan, the frame, despite needin’ a small patch, is titties compared the one under the 4xtra or the xtracab in the shop. it’ll take me longer to get the tank out of the way than to effect the patch.

    sas? it’s always a possibility, but as of right now the probability of that is lower than winning the lottery. i need something that’s ready to rock at the drop of a hat whether that be wheelin’ or work. i’m aiming to have no mod tie it up for more than one day


    last nite was spent mining thru the stockpile o’parts. found the brand new brake backing plates for the rear axle. should have confirmation tomorrow of the part #s if they are the correct ones. i believe they are. even managed to put my hands on that vent pc that toys-n-yotas needs for redee. bits n pieces of exhaust tube came crawlin’ to the surface which were immediately captured for tonites festivity’s.

    tonite saw the exhaust craved out n replacement laid out for fabrication. when i drove it home on sunday the exhaust note was not too bad just off the cat. sooo… i’m doin’ a muffler delete. it might be a mistake with about 3′ of tail pipe. will worry about it then.


    well, got smokin’ news from my buddy today, those backing plates are the correct ones. woohoo!


    I think tbe muffler delete should be ok as long as the tailpipe clears the floorpans, or has a real good turn down.

    4Runneree had can openered the stock muffler and turned my cabin floor into a megaphone, hurt my head after about 2200 rpm even as a lad of 23 years old. I cut out the muffler and used the remaining tailpipe and clamps to fabricate a side outlet. I drove 4Runneree another year with that setup and was just fine with the tractor-like exhaust note. Cabin noise was essentially cured with the side pipe.


    Congrats again Mark! Looks to be in really good shape,bonus.


    finally,got the exhaust fab’ed n in. took it right out to the rear bumper. yeah, nope! muffler’s gotta be installed, sounds like a little tractor at idle, get on the stupid pedal n holy fawk!!! sounds like a mouthy 16 yr old punk ricer. which by the way, we got too many runnin’ round as it is. tomorrow evenin’s doings.

    if plans don’t go awry, should be drivin’ it this comin’ weekend


    hey kev, it’s one of those, ” far from perfect, but perfect from far”. i’m happy with it


    that’s a whole lot better!! picked up a cherry bomb on the way home from work. cut out 2′ of pipe n stuffed it in with out takin’ anything apart or off hangers. gotta love toyota’s exhaust hangers with the flex they’ve got. sounds good now. the mf’ing obnoxious raspyness is gone.

    i’m still on track for gettin’ safety by the weekend. ooh yeeah !


    Best of luck on your timeline Mark!  What’s still left to do on the punch list?


    Sweet! Can’t wait to see her on the road again!


    Looking awesome!! Will be nice to see you behind a Toyota 🙂 haha


    damn i hate it when work gets in the way of stuff. got home just shy of 8 this evening n my @$$ draggin’. yeah it’s my way of sayin’ $h!t aint gettin’ done tonight


    Gotta like a Cherry Bomb, I really like the sound of a glass pack. Thats my plan for the Taco and eventually the Runner.

    Whats the next major thing to do Mark?


    yeah, the last time i ran glass packs was in ’73 on my ’69 chevy van 90. a built 327 was poopin’ thru em. remember what i said about mouthy punk 16 yr olds , that was me. it was loud as faawwwk! every thing after that i used either turbo mufflers or chrysler imperial bigblock mufflers. the cherry bomb was the only thing crappy tire had in stock with the proper size in n out.

    brakes is the next thing.

    doubt i’ll get it on road by the weekend(bang head)

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