Some wild pics in here and crazy adventure.
Hope she’s doing alright. The runner and the gf!
Uhhh…..little bit further north now!
Fresh swipe of 2018 Dodge Ram blue on the bumper too! (Parked cars can be very tricky for those Dodge drivers….especially when they have 24/7 dash cam)
Wow Aiden you’ve sure done some exploring in the last year. What brought you to Yellowknife, other than imparting Canadian faith in Toyota? Last I recall you and the gf were way remote in Northern Alberta?
Yeah we’re racking up milage for sure. The gf was working at the hospital in Yellowknife. Beats walking to work in -40 weather for her. I’ll be flying home to Sudbury soon to play with my other yotas. The 03 4runner might never come home to Ontario…..there’s a waiting list of buyers in the Territories for it lol. It was the “new kid” in town up there. It was suprising 1 of 2 4th Gen 4runners in YK! So everybody wanted it! We’ve already been offered double what I paid for it 2 years ago. Maybe a 5th Gen next for us? I really like the 4th Gen with the 4.7 though. Such a great truck especially way up there. It’s been super reliable. My little 5’0″ 100lb gf made quite a name for herself towing out everybody out of the snow last winter lol.
Come on snow!
Awesome stuff in here!
Did a little prerun with a friend through some of our local trails.
The video for those who would like to watch. The weather is supposed to warm up and the snow will probably melt so we had to go out before it was gone!
Nice vid!
Looks like a lot of fun!
@toy-yota loved that 4wd drift starting at 32 seconds. I’ve said for years that snow adds about 300hp!! Gotta love the angry sewing machine (22re) wound out!!
100km/h wind gusts made a mess of Dufferin County last night.
Real fluffy so didn’t work me too hard. Pissed off that I share a driveway with my neighbour, and his half was bone dry. I had a knee deep drift just to get out the door. Freakin’ swirling winds!
That sucks! Isnt that always how it goes? Is your neighbour still working on that mustang?
I’m not sure how much he’s worked on the mustang, didn’t break anything last year. Not sure what his next GO FASTER mod will be.
He’s a hotrodder and body guy, always busy with a few projects on the Go. Think he’s hoping to unveil a frame-laying Studebaker this year. Car will sit so low he’s running the exhaust through the frame. Excited to see it in person.
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