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Kev & Daves Sea Doo adventure!

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    Dave and I Had an opportunity to purchase 2 See Doo’s in September from a co-worker who was retiring and selling there house. Well we went and had a look at them and to say the least they were both described as “projects”. with that in mind we both did a little research and came back with a price that was accepted. Nonetheless here they are, a 1992 GTX that is Daves and a 1993 SP that is mine. Let the adventure begin!!!!!


    I’ll concentrate more on mine for now as it is the one we’ve decided is a little less complicated. Neither one of us has any clue about these rigs so we’re learning as we go. The engine on the SP is a 587 Rotax.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by FJTTSE.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by FJTTSE.

    The seat and handle bar cover had been recovered with what I assume was just a normal vinyl so I decided to pick up some marine grade and redo them. Luckily I found somewhat of a close colour match and have done the seat so far, have to wait a few days on the handle bar as I ordered a new cover as it had seen better days, LOL


    Hey Kev, that’s a sweet project you guys picked up, and a good time too to begin. Hopefully learning and parts availability align so you guys will be ready to rip come springtime. Your re-done Seat cover matches the ‘90s graphics awesome!

    I’ve always wanted a jet ski, but am afraid of the fuel consumption haha.

    I jumped with both feet into rebuilding a SeaDoo jet boat that rolled into my buddy’s shop with almost no compression a couple months ago. Once getting past all the JetDrive mumbo jumbo, it’s essentially a sled motor.

    Follow general two-stroke approach to get them up and running, and hopefully all the Jet Drive components are complete.
    1: Compression above 150 psi
    2: strong spark on both plugs
    3: clean the fuel tank and carbs

    Best of luck to you guys!!


    Thanks Tom, these machines aren’t complicated and to be truthful we got a sweetheart deal. They even threw in a boat and trailer, lol. Just wanted them gone as their house had sold and they had no room at their new one. they had had some work done on them and then abandoned for several years. So far we know they are not seized, that’s a good sign. At this point we have 2 batteries bought as well as I’ve replaced the kill buttons on both as well as the ignition switch on Dave’s. New plugs and plug boots on mine, she cranks with good spark on both plugs. Next step is the carbs, gonna do a pressure test on them when the guage arrives(should be this week). Might have to do a rebuild on them, not sure, mine is a single carb and Dave’s is a double and if they don’t hold pressure or the pop off is wrong then we’ll rebuild them over the winter. I drained my tank and its a clean as a whistle. They both came with an repair manual, which is great and the interwebs have some great info as well to help us along. It’s certainly a learning curve I’m enjoying and perhaps with any luck we can get them on the water for a spin next summer. Gonna be a blast, LOL


    Nice find! You gotta jump on those deals when they come along!

    @Tom: “…am afraid of the fuel consumption haha.” This sounds funny coming from a guy with a V8 swap 4Runner! lol

    Good to see you and Dave are still kicking!


    Kev, that’s a great start already. I’ll help to keep the thread active.

    I realize the irony of that statement, but it’s been my rationale for over a decade now, and I’m still rooted on my answer haha. I know how I’d ride it (flat out), Plus marina prices per litre, ouch.


    Marina prices! Ouch. Oh well they don’t really take all that much fuel do they?


    Here’s what they looked like when we picked them up. Also in the background is the boat that came with it.


    “Marina prices! Ouch. Oh well they don’t really take all that much fuel do they?”

    Both gas tanks are 33L or 8.7, so about $30.00 to $40.00 a fill up depending on the octane. How long will that last who knows but at WOT id image not to long, lol

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by FJTTSE.

    So you got the boat too?


    Yup, boat and trailer. Has a 70hp Mercury on the back. The Sea Doo’s came with the double trailer as well.




    As you can tell by the pics above Daves seat is quite ratty, so I took it upon myself to do something to help Dave for a change. Once I removed the cover the foam was waterlogged and a section needed to be replaced, which believe you me was a pain in the ass to mold and shape to the contours. The second piece was a nightmare with all the angles and once done my fingers ached for a day or 2 after,LOL. Alas though I plodded through and this is the end result.

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