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January 6th 2018 snow run

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS January 6th 2018 snow run

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    pete, steve, anyone? pictars? i need a wheelin’ fix even if it is vicarious




    Some Tacos


    Another group pic




    Peter was the only one that had any real drama that I saw.  A few guys got stuck before I arrived.

    I won’t mention that first photo…..  Pete had a blow out that we had to change on the trail.


    aaahh, that’s better!

    am i correct in counting 14 trucks in the 2nd pic? good turn out!



    Notifications arestill going to my junk mail.

    Steve glad to see you again and thanks again for all the help with the flat. Think I caught the valve stem on something. Was able to reseat everything and it’s holding some air now.

    The first photo was the gf saying go slow then the driver tire sinking….momentum is your friend sometime.

    I think we have a max of 12 or 13 vehicles. I’ll try and post some pics from Tacomaworld. Hopefully we will see ya at the next one Mark.


    let’s see the pics pete. was the unseated tire the only carnage?

    are you plannin’ another run per chance?


    Awesome guys! Who’s flatbed Tacoma? Love that thing!

    Side note: my notifications are going to my junk mail too.


    Yeah I’m hoping to plan another one depending on the snow and time.

    Thats my flatbed. Screwed the stock bed up


    Cool rig! Where/did you get the flatbed from? I’m interested In one for my work truck.

    here you go:






    Flat bed is from Uteltd

    awesome customer service. Great turn around time and communication.

    They offer a cap by ARE which I’m looking at as well. The install wasn’t too bad. Pretty straight forward for the most part. I have to fab some stuff but not neccesary if you just use it with a hitch and what not.

    The bed comes on a pallet which weighed in at a woping 210lbs. That’s it. The stock bed is way more and it’s not as strong.



    That is crazy light! That weight savings gives you more capacity for a rooft top tent you know.


    Well thats the hope. I had a roof top tent on my cap and old bed. I think between the weight of the cap, rack, and rtt offload the bed gave up the biscuit. Was just surprising to me since so many run a similar setup. Regardless, this fix/upgrade allows me to do some strengthening to the frame and beef everything up while trying to keep the weight down. Goal is to keep everything as light as possible. Putting the taco on a diet without sacrificing strength and hopefully gear.


    True, it’s s good idea. I would think it’s a lot nicer to wheel with a flatbed too. If you ever get close to rocks or trees you’re going to be way less concerned.

    I love the idea of a RTT, I just can’t justify the cost.


    Yeah I am pretty happy with the flatbed especially as I hope I won’t get as much body damage as you said.

    The Rtt is nice if your not going back to the same camp every night. For my girlfriend and I, we travel in the summer which entails a different camp every night. Very convenient to roll into camp and be set up in 5 mins. However as you mentioned the price is hard to swallow. Took me a while to save up but I put it as a priority for our summer trips to keep me sane. Was brutal taking everything out to sleep in the bed of the truck (when I had it), then repack it a certain way so it fit in the morning. Doing this for 3 weeks gets old really quick. Plus if you want to make a quick lunch it gets hard to as you have unpack everything. Truck fills up pretty quick with all the sleeping gear and what not. Rtt has been really good so far

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