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    In 2016 we converted our no longer really used sandbox into a small makeshift garden, primarily just to put the space to use. It began very humble with just 2 strawberry plants, a row of carrots and a row of yellow beans.

    Who’d a thunk it, but it was really fun and successful, also the stress release of gardening was great!

    So this past season, we took the sandbox and made it the focal piece of our expanded garden, keeping the Strawberries there to have their own housed location, accompanied by a row of carrots and then surrounded by an assortment of other greatness.

    In prepping for the 2018 grow season, I am once again expanding the garden and creating frames to better differentiate the types of veggies/fruits, also to create more of a visual stimulate for myself. I think this year I may also begin my own compost, but we’ll see.

    Here is a bunch of photos of the progression of the garden itself and then I’ll post a series of photos of the plants themselves as part of my garden porn photo collection.





    Reserved for Progress

    Humble Beginning

    Right Before the Expansion

    Kids Helping To Prep The Soil


    All Prepared To Begin 2017

    First Plants to Be Planted (Chili Peppers)

    Couple Weeks Into The Season – Things Beginning To Take Shape

    Couple More Weeks – (I Promise The Dogs Weren’t Left Out There Waiting)

    Towards The End of the Season

    The Season May Be Over – Just Means I Can Prepare for 2018!!!


    Hope you enjoyed, thanks for looking!
    Do share if you also garden. What you grow, how long you’ve been doing it for and any future plans?

    Will update the plant photo’s later.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Krezz.

    Reserved for plant photos

    Corn and The Children 
    Sweet Corn

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Krezz.

    my comment would have been, more garden means less lawn to mow! i see you are a mind reader! looks like quite the crop, try potatoes if you can. we grew some when we lived in marlbank, not a lot but they sure were good baked with steak!






    hey krezz, i was going to post pics of a garden from long ago but my attorney suggested i don’t despite the statute of limitations having run out. it was magnificent!

    by the way, your dogs are lookin’ like “can we get in?, can we get in?


    @cultleader – For sure a benefit of the larger garden is much less to mow! hahaha – potatoes for sure will be on the list for this coming year. I may even try a potato tower I hear they are called.

    *Yes, I can be THAT crazy in my organization that the above will be the upcoming idea for the garden. There is more yard which leads to the house, everyone asks if that is all the yard I have left. For 2019 I hope to remove the kids swing/slide set and replace with 2 apple trees and probably a couple cherry trees, if once I test my soil it proves to drain well enough.

    @finn the kareilian viking – Cash crop garden, was it? LoL
    The dogs hate the new fencing I put up  hahaha. It works to well at keeping that at bay. Here is a before and after as the fence went into place.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Krezz.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Krezz.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Krezz.

    nope… personal use. man was i hungry!!!!!


    Children of the corn!



    Less grass was totally my motivation.




    @slick_Yota hahah Children of The Corn exactly.


    I had to tell them to not smile, so I could capture the creepy lol.


    Had the kids out in the yard while the sun was out. I know it was a little early to do this, but I needed to clean around the shed and I figured it was good to get some fresh air for the kids and I, so we tilled up the garden and prepped the beds. As we approach the spring the plan is to fill the beds with some compost as a final stage before planting.



    Awesome dude! No more grass to cut too! That’s a big upside, I’m a Landscaper so I love this stuff


    @Toy-Yota always great to get out during the nice weather.

    The reduction in grass isn’t missed and full be fully appreciated I’m sure this upcoming season hahah


    Another step in the right direction.

    Was able to get the mulch down into the walkways to help keep things a little cleaner. Now just need to wait until the next warm day and I’ll be filling up the beds with some soil and then waiting the big moment to begin the plant!


    Just another update of the progress so far. Got the manure into the beds and we planted the Raspberries and also began staking out where some of the plants will be going.

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