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  • #207629

    happy new year ya freaks!!!!

    we’ve been granted another year guys. let’s make the best of it and get out there n wheel.

    are we gonna see more runs and meets? well, that depends on you guys. plan a run n see what happens. organize a coffee meet, you never know who’ll show up. what i’m gettin’ at is, don’t wait for someone else, make it happen for yourself!

    happy new year n we’ll see you out there!




    Happy New Year, hopefully it will be more interesting than previous one  : )


    Happy New Years to all!!

    I think we’re heading out to Valens this Saturday to kind of do what @Zuknewbie had done and prep my gear for the end of January camp night.

    Looking forward to using up vacation days for some travel weekends with folks from here and getting back out to the Sunday meets! Basement reno’s are primarily done! Just baseboards to do, whenever lol.


    where is that 2nd run you mentioned krezz?


    There was a run posted on Overland Ontario’s Facebook page.

    I’m not sure if its full or if there was or is even a capacity amount. So I won’t give out the address as it isn’t my run to share to be safe, but we’re about 2 hours north.

    However up on Facebook under their page, it should be visible if still open.




    aah, thanks dude


    I have a weeks worth of days however that I’ll be able to spread out to book for tips/adventures.

    So I’ll be open to many ideas and as I learn, hopefully pitching out ideas, but I’m at the mercy of others currently who will want to show off areas to a novice lol


    krezz, check your in-box


    Replied! Hopefully it worked haha.


    Thanks for the reminder to put yourself out there Finn. I’m going To set a day to a snow wheeling run around my place in Waterdown. There’s a couple short trails that a few of us could do in an afternoon and then have a little fire in the woods. Once we get some snow I’ll put out a date. It would a fun day trip without driving hours.


    Started cutting a little trail through the woods with some cool little features, very difficult to see how technical it is in pictures.


    One of the hardest obstacles I may take out the tree on the right (picture above)

    Other side view of the ledge.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Toy-Yota.

    Ohh that last little rock step-up looks like it could be really tricky. Hard to tell how tall it is without a scale, and that moss looks slick.

    Can’t believe there’s no snow out your way. Started snowing up here in Shelburne in late October, and the bush has had snow almost continuously in thr bushes.


    I’d say that last drop is close to three feet. It’s definitely capable of some bumper/hitch scraping


    Sweeet!  Someday when I move outta town, I’ll build myself a closed circuit for all the Toys n Yotas.


    Totally jelly bro. Props the start of a great trail.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by toys-n-yotas.
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