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    It’s that time of year again….time to pack the toys away for winter wrenching.

    Last year’s setup had one flaw where I could only fit the Taco in the shop if it was ACTUALLY TOUCHING Redee, and even then the door needed help to close. So a new floor plan this winter to give me tons of exposure to Redee’s front end.

    On the slate will be full steering replacement, balljoints, and now a serious power steering leak.  I’ve got Redee’s nose pointing South, close to the “good light” and tool boxes, her booty tucked away in the back corner by the air compressor and Parts washing tank.

    It Took significantly less time than last year to rearrange since I’ve spent the last 14-months purging useless crap from the shop. Now all that remains is “somewhat useful crap” as deemed by myself. At least if I need to change things up this winter, Redee will fire up and move under her own power, rather than just pushing power.


    Good layout.  It’s nice to have elbow room around the trucks.  I’ll be rearranging my garage to fit the new Taco in with the 6 bikes over the winter and still be able to get the snow blower out.

    Just replaced the garage roof and it no longer leaks, so that’s a plus! Now I can drywall the ceiling and insulate to hold in some heat.


    Well at least you have a garage,us poor sods have to muddle along best way we can,lol


    Hey y’all its been a while, life’s been too busy.

    Anyway, everything’s lining up with the garage idea,  we went to the bank for a line of credit to get this garage thing set in motion. Looks like we’ll land the line of credit… yippee!

    Now that I’m so much closer to that dream, work all of a sudden got really slow. The company is talking about work share through E.I. , this is after the company laid off 20 employees, so pulling the trigger on a garage build seem less temping. Im so close to building a garage it hurts. I’m thinking of building it anyways. I’ve been told the building I’m in at work, is not going to loose any more people to layoff. Sooo…

    The devil on one shoulder says build, the angel on the other says: hold off till a rainbow appears, letting the golden unicorn gallops by, while lollypops rain from the sky.

    life is far from dull



    Good luck either way!  Maybe just start with the foundation and see how work pans out.  then go from there…



    ryan, hope the job thing doesn’t kick ya too hard brother.

    like steve said, get the foundation and floor  in, then come n get the tnortt canopy from my place. there ya go, covered for the winter!!


    Glad to hear Ryan, you know I’ll be available for a garage framing day whenever that may be.

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