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    Created a Facebook group for the page hope everyone stops by and joins up.  I would appreciate a couple of our admins also becoming admins on the facebook page so when you join give me a shout incase I do not put name to face please.  Medical issues these days are causing a lot of lets just call it brain fog ….ya ya ok I’m an old fart……



    Hey Greg, once I retire I might think about facebook.  I’ve never actually seen it, so I have no idea what-so-ever what it even looks like…

    I’ll keep you posted.


    Hey Greg, glad you’re still in the wheelin’ world despite your health troubles.  I’d love to check it out, but I’m almost a decade removed from facebook, and there’s no looking back.


    ha ha ha tom! believe it or not, but this fahqer is on there. yeah, i fought it tooth n nail!


    Forums were my way to keep in the community, but cut out all the “filler”.   Get my quick fix, move on.  I seemed to linger on facebook, 5 mins became 10, turned into 15, and none of it was productive.


    I was the same Tom so about a month ago I deleted all friends and most groups only kept the most important groups that I used all the time.  I have since added a couple of friends back like family just because we use messenger to video chat with the grandkids, also a couple close photography friends and Mark.  I can go in and 5 to 10 minutes at the end of the day  I catch up on anything important and I am back out.

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