Tagged: Photo upload from phone
hi guys, just sharing what worked for me.
to get your avatar:
-go to your profile by clicking on your forum name or blank avatar pic
-once in, under your blank avatar you will see a list of options, click “edit” at the bottom
-from there scroll down to avatar and choose your file / upload pic of your avatar (here you can add more info as needed)
to post pics:
(at least from what worked on my photo bucket)
– from the space when typing your post, hit “img” and copy and paste your direct link (from your photo bucket) into it
– add a description
– submit your post and voila
feel free to test your stuff here.
tried doing the same for vids and didn’t work. pic worked though.
Avatar didn’t work for me, I would guess that you have to be a Moderator to have access to avatar change.
test for a picture:
Figured it out!
Meet Roshack and Rosalie
nice Krezz.
Scanny, not sure about moderator or not. can’t answer that just yet?
anyone can add an avatar – I used the gravatar site.
hover mouse over your handle in the top right corner of screen and click edit profile. Scroll down to see avatar editing.
If you guys can get this forum running on Tapatalk it’s soooo much easier all around.
works now, thanks! has to figure though how to reply with quote : )
Replying with quote would be wonderful. Agreed!
My avatar seems to work now. Now to figure out the rest of these key master powers.
Looks like the martini emoji works
You can now add photos by uploading from your PC.
Test, testing, 1 2 3
Hey! I remember watching that 4runner pull a RangeRover out of Bobcaygeon about 5 years ago!
Welcome Toys!
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