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Annual Ardbeg Run Aug 9-11 2019

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS Annual Ardbeg Run Aug 9-11 2019

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  • #208378

    Have a safe wheelin’ trip guys!


    phone number’s up in members only


    Well as usual, I’m dead in the water. I blew a hard brake line a couple days ago. The hard line that runs along the axle tube in the rear on the 4Runner. I lost all my fluid. At first I thought I had a leaking diff. Anyway, Toyota has a backorder on a direct replacement, so I need to make my own line(s). Since this is my DD it needs to be up and running. My exhaust is also severed just before the front axle as well, dangling. the truck frame and one hanger keep it from totally falling off.

    Now, im going to make my own brake lines, but can’t find my brake line bender and one of the dies for my flare kit. I said to myself, fuck it ill buy another bender and flare kit. Princess Auto does not carry the bender or flare kit anymore, Canadian Tire carries them but was out of stock.. go figure!. Parts Source want too much $ for the kit, so I gave up for the day… what a pisser!

    So! in the mean time I grabbed the battery from the Runner and swapped it into the Tacoma, so I can at least get to work. The Tacoma is in great condition post frame swap… BUT! the stock suspension Toyota swapped in is awful! I compare the suspension to a wet noodle. The sway bar is also deleted which make it a bit scary while cornering.

    Long story short, I can’t make Ardbeg. I need to fix the 4Runner for this coming week, and the Taco is not really ready to drive let alone wheel.

    Im starting to wonder if Ardbeg has cursed me… wtf?!

    Have a great weekend guys, have fun!


    Sucks Ryan,was looking forward to seeing you out on the trails.


    Camp has been established at Black Lake. Campsite is on the left side on the other side of the hydro lines and is visible from beach. For those who remember it’s  the same site as the rainout Ardbeg run of 2011. lol


    Got back from Ardbeg last night – had to pick up the dog this morning.  Great trip – pretty good weather overall – little bit of rain, but only lasted an hour each time and cleared up shortly after.

    Little bit of wheeling, but mostly camping.  Got some poser pics 🙂  .






    I have to thank Mark again, for allowing me to tag along this year.  It was great seeing Kevin and Steve and meeting Melissa.  I forgot how much I have missed getting out battling this illness over the past year and this was just something the doctor could not have ordered.


    greg, good hear you enjoyed the weekend n you’re welcome. it most definitely is an awesome way to decompress. despite being up there in may, i really needed the time up there again.

    thanks to steve n melissa for scoutin’ out and nailin’ down a site for us thursday evening. melissa, i’m pleased that you enjoyed the out of ordinary camp fire. i wasn’t sure it was going to work.

    kevin, thanks to you for the fish fry bass saturday evening, ’twas a fine repast. was good to see ya buddy

    ryan, dave, hate it when life grabs friends by the short n curlys, been too long since we participated in some mischief n mayhem together. missed you guys

    so, friday evening i was chattin’ with a fellow outta orangeville with a built late ’90s 4runner n he told me he comes into black lake from the west. that piqued my interest, started to peruse my maps a little closer n sure enough, the south leg of the black lake loop is a snow mobile trail that runs east from hwy 69.

    well how ’bout that! what’s fella supposed do but go n do a recon mission. saturday, greg n i, breaking a slew of cardinal rules, headed out to see what we could find. we made it into the black lake loop about 4 klm’s from the south. why only 4 klicks you ask? remember the rules breakage? yeah, we had no recovery gear with us and out by our self. came upon a very steep n narrow water filled draw. discretion being the better part of valor, believe it or not, finn turned around. yeah, he doesn’t believe it either. i am quite certain that it does go thru as we saw the same trail signage that is in my map book on the trail. next time, i guess.



    We’ll have to check that route out another time finn!

    Good to see you guys again!


    Had a great time as usual. Nice to meet you Melissa,hope you enjoyed your adventure. Just wish I could’ve done more wheeling but alas,twas not in the cards this time around. Here’s a little pic of the view we had from the camp Friday evening.


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