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@cultleader – For sure a benefit of the larger garden is much less to mow! hahaha – potatoes for sure will be on the list for this coming year. I may even try a potato tower I hear they are called.

*Yes, I can be THAT crazy in my organization that the above will be the upcoming idea for the garden. There is more yard which leads to the house, everyone asks if that is all the yard I have left. For 2019 I hope to remove the kids swing/slide set and replace with 2 apple trees and probably a couple cherry trees, if once I test my soil it proves to drain well enough.

@finn the kareilian viking – Cash crop garden, was it? LoL
The dogs hate the new fencing I put up  hahaha. It works to well at keeping that at bay. Here is a before and after as the fence went into place.


  • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Krezz.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Krezz.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Krezz.

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