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Milton Offroad Christmas Toy Drive

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS Milton Offroad Christmas Toy Drive

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  • #207439

    Hey all,

    Milton Offroad is doing a Christmas toy drive on December 1st from 1-4 at Ned Devine’s in Milton. I would like to extend the invite to whoever can make it up and stop in. We are asking for an unwrapped toy to help brighten up a little ones Christmas.

    Hope everyone is doing well and hope to see some of you at Ned’s



    well $hit!  just saw this thread. hey crippled yota, if you haven’t taken anything into where ever you were thinkin’, try to make down to the woodstock bull $h!t sessions next sunday n i’ll have something to brighten some little ones christmas. i’ll post up in b/s thread for those that might be comin’ out. hopefully we can put some stuff together.

    it’d be cool to put a face to another name

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