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May24 Mayhem, ardbeg may 17-20

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS May24 Mayhem, ardbeg may 17-20

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    fellas, gonna head up to ardbeg for the may long weekend. leavin’ woodstock thursday, may 16th, right after work. any one want to join me?


    the list starts here

    1) finn


    Ed and I will be on the Trans-Taiga during that time. I hope others get out and enjoy it with you!




    any one gonna join me on the 24 weekend?


    Hey buddy, would love to join you but Sam’s working the entire weekend and that’s a little too far for my girls for the first outing of the year.  Gotta put in a couple overnights in the backyard first.


    On a side note, I’ll be heading up to Ardbeg with one buddy Thursday July 18- Sunday July 21. Currently no wheelin’ planned (buddy drives a Caravan) but we’ll do some hiking, horseshoes, maybe mountain biking, axe throwing, and have plenty of ice cold refreshments and aromatic materials to keep occupied.


    Sorry Mark me and Margaret aren’t going to be able to make it I need an upper and lower ball joint for the FJ and I’m running SPC uppers so I got to wait for them ball joint to get in. Sorry brother


    no worries bud. if ya don’t fix it, ya can’t wheel it. we’ll see you on the next go round.


    if anyone makes a last minute decision to join us at ardbeg this weekend and needs intell, i’ve posted my cell# up in members only. or contact an admin, they’ll be able to hook you up with it


    Enjoy the trip Mark.  Birthday party and mom visit for me.  Should be a beauty weekend up there!


    just got home. pics n trip report will follow in a day or two. i’ve got $h!t to look after


    Looking forward to some of the pics!

    Ed and I are still alive. We made it to nowhere and back.
    Will post up some pictures and videos, I think within the week.

    Getting caught up on life

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