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lingham lake june 26, 27 +28

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS lingham lake june 26, 27 +28

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  • #209719

    i’m running up to lingham lake the last weekend of the month, care to join? it’s more or less a ‘get the hell out of dodge’ trip. or “fawk covids, we’re goin’ wheelin'”. going up friday morning


    slick, you still plannin’ on coming up?


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    I got a green light from Sam, just gotta make sure Redee doesn’t overheat tomorrow, and whether Grama can watch my girls on Friday.

    You planning to trail ride on Friday? Or just on Saturday?


    Hey Finn, I won’t be making it out to this trip, but I wish you all smooth sailing. Redee’s temps still creep up when running below 20km/h, and I’d hate to have “that truck” which drags the whole convoy down.

    I’ll put up the Ardbeg dates for the camping trip now that the vacations have been approved.

    Good luck guys!


    t minus 16 hours n this viking’s going marauding to points east. any one else? if so pm me for my cell # so i can pass on info as to where we are camped. i will check for pm’s just before i leave.
    anchor weighs at nine tomorrow morning


    I’ll be there! As per discussion!


    The wind blew us off course and we’re headed to Ardbeg. Finn has weighed anchor and is on his way already, I’ll be leaving later this afternoon.


    Great weekend at Ardbeg. We met Krezz and crew at Round lake Friday night.
    They went down the south trail Saturday morning and camped elsewhere that night.
    We did the north trail and stayed at Round Lake.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Slick_Yota.
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