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NEW DATE fall run to ardbeg nov 16,17+18

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS NEW DATE fall run to ardbeg nov 16,17+18

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    as alot you know, i’ve scored  a ’91 pick-up. planning on this run being the maiden voyage for the knarr. as the title reads, the weekend of oct 26, 27 +28. i’m bookin’ friday afternoon off n aiming to be rolling no later than 2 that afternoon. with an uneventful trip, should make round lake about twilight.

    back in august we re-con’ed a possible new campin’ spot a bit to the west of where we normally hold our shenanigans. so that’s where the knarr will be dropping anchor. so who wants to come n check out this new spot with me?

    oh, by the way, finn’s goin’ even if there’s no one else!!!!


    M & I will join you!


    that’s great steve! i wonder if any of the other usual suspects are gonna join us. guess we’ll just wait n see.


    Dog’s booked into the “resort”.   We’ll head up Friday after work.


    I’d love to join in. That being said, I’m concerned about my knee. Sarah would kill me if I mess it up some more and WSIB would throw my case out the window. SO! it looks like a no go for me. I really wanna give the $runner a run on the trails.


    Would love to join on the Knar first trek to Ardbeg but we’ve got plans with my sis-in-law Saturday, and Sams working Sunday. Hope you guys have a blast, and are able to locate two “standing dead pines” near the new campsite.


    well, life, or should i say the end of it, may kick me in the nads regarding this outing. f.i.l. has been in the hospital for the past week n they disconnected him this morning. apparently giving him only 2 or 3 days before he signs out.

    so if it does happen, i’m gonna push the run ahead 1 week to nov. 2,3+4. will keep you guys posted


    Sorry to hear about your father in law.


    Very sorry to hear about your father in law.
    Stay well.


    I have to work the November 2nd weekend.


    hey guys, with the stuff goin’ on with pops n mrs finn on an emotional rollcoaster, i’m postponing this run till the middle of november. no, he’s not started his dirt nap yet.

    will firm the date up next week

    sorry fellas


    ok guys, i’m now thinkin’ nov 16-18 for this run. gives you reprobates 3 weeks to clear your calendars to join me up there. the f.i.l. is still hangin’ on but my life still carries on so i’m not gonna sit n wait. yeah i know, i’m a hard hearted basturd. can’t help it, that’s way i was forged


    alrighty fellas, took a look at the long range forecast just now n guess what it says? it should be reasonably good weekend nov 16-18. yeah rite!!! i’m not holdin’ my breath, just hoping for the best n expecting the worst.

    so yeah, this is the firming of the date. the departure time from woodstock remains as is, no later than 2:00pm. but the arrival will now be dark 45.

    who’s in?


    Sadly I won’t be.

    We’ll be celebrating my Sons 11th Bday that weekend, although its on the 23rd. Too many events, not enough days.

    Hope you guys have a blast!


    gotta write off this year.  Got shit happening pretty much every weekend from now till christmas.

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