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Assult on Ardbeg is over for another year.

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    Well the Assult on Ardbeg is all done for another year. Yes the post is long but it is a few memories of a fantastic weekend had by all. Make sure you rookies and you know who you are read to the bottom. We had a fantastic turnout of 11 rigs and two, ok 1 and a half quads as one went out of commission shortly after we started Friday’s run. The weather was superb after the deluge Wednesday night on my way in, lol, we ended up camping on the point which worked out great for us with that many rigs but we still had room for more to show up so maybe next year.
    Friday’ agenda was decided by the Viking and myself well in advance of our arrival, and it was to take on the North trail to find a camping spot that the Viking had seen in a run years earlier. Well let me just say we got to the first obstacle and well it was not as the Viking and I had remembered it from 4 years earlier, but the ride had to go on so the newbies tightened their….. hole well use your imagination here folks after all it’s a family channel here and onward we proceeded. After what seemed forever to all of us and after many obstacles conquered we found the other campsite about half a kilometer from the tracks, and around 4 hours to get there even me in the blue slug(2003 Chevy Tracker bone stock for those that didn’t know. Definitely not an easily accessed family friendly site, as the kids would have easily been bored after the first 15 minutes and then we all know what breaks loose. Seven hours after we left camp we returned battle tested and worn, but every truck whole.
    Saturday we decided to head down the south trail till we got to the Black Lake loop trail and head down it to see what was after the turn off for the loop. Well lets just say this trail once again tested us all but Tom(guess we should all purchase old broken but never down for the count FJ’s) . I have to thank Tom for making the long trip he did and for making obstacles look so easy to watch be conquered. Well after reaching a point where the trail continued down a rather sketchy hill, it was decided to turn around as once again it had taken up about 4 hours to get everyone safely to this point, well ok the Slug took a bit of damage but hey I run on 27’s lol. The ride out started just fantastically for the Slug, slowly into the stream crossing he went and sploosh there he sat, lol Viking to the rescue, oh wait for it wait for it, Darryl you left the poor Slug to wallow in an ocean of water. After a quick tug out then a quick neck jarring pull thru this crossing by the Viking we continued on. And yes for those wondering the Slug actually made it thru this crossing on the way in but driver error, opps wrong pedal I sat in the Slug as he slowly filled with water. Ok Darryl it wasn’t and ocean only a lake but still my brother I thought you we right in front of me. For those not in the know, ok only those that attended have gotten the humor, Darryl had left to catch up with a few others and I was next to go but as I eased into this crossing hit the wrong pedal and all momentum was lost and that was where I sat in over 25 inches of water if not more, so your all in the know now never lose concentration on the task in front of you all it takes is a moment and it may not be wet carpet that you have to face. We all made it back to camp very weary and battle tested as this trail pushed even seasoned members to the edge at times. Another great night was had around the campfire and all to soon morning was upon us and it was time to pack up and say our sad goodbyes to new and also old friends.
    The rookies that came out to this run were so far above fantastic, there are just no words. From Cliff on day one always willing to test the depth of water crossings to how they all soaked up knowledge that was being passed on and taught on some very hard obstacles. Give your selves a huge pat on the shoulder, you made me and I am sure a couple of the others know why we take the time to pass on knowledge and skills. As the Viking tells me all the time, boys I will ride with you all anytime.
    Last thanks to the elders of the group who all take the time to share their wealth of knowledge all the time, and answering question with not just words but actual demonstrations of how thing would work better in your situations. Oh yes and the admins of the group thanks for keeping events going. To anyone with photos please post them up over on the Facebook page also.

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