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Ardbeg: Oct 1-4 Grillin’ & Chillin’ (but not quite freezin)

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS Ardbeg: Oct 1-4 Grillin’ & Chillin’ (but not quite freezin)

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    Hey All, I was pitching the idea of fall camping with my Grillin’ & Chillin’ buddies, then stumbled across a TacomaWorld trip for the exact same dates & destination. So it’s meant to be!

    We’re planning to setup camp on Clear Lake on Thursday, Oct 1st, and packup Sunday morning. If my buddy Matt brings his 4th Gen, we’ll bring my crappy trailer loaded up with ATV’s and a dirtbike. Otherwise it’ll be a more stationary trip haha.

    Here’s the TW link.

    The TW “TEQ” club is planning a trail cleanup for Saturday that we’ll participate in, but prolly ride tailgates along the way.


    I won’t be making this one as my daughter’s birthday is the 5th and will most likely be doing something that weekend with her. Have a great weekend


    Hey Greg, hope you enjoy the birthday celebrations that weekend!

    So far there are a bunch of attendees from TacomaWorld rolling in on Friday.

    As it stands myself and 3 buddies are gonna arrive at Black Lake sometime on Thursday, October 1st. We’ll be parked in Matt’s 4th gen Grey 4Runner and James’s Yellow FJ. Keep an eye out for us.



    I keep writing Clear Lake, only out of stupidity though. Black Lake is where we’ll be.

    Keep an eye out for our convoy; Redee, Matt’s 4th gen, James’ FJ.


    I’ll be heading up Friday afternoon.


    We’ll keep an eye out for you Friday afternoon/evening Steve.
    Less than a week till I roll out from Shelburne!

    The TacomaWorld crew is aiming to stay on the North edge of Black Lake, marked by Red arrows on the image attached.
    I intend to setup camp on the South side of Black Lake, at purple arrows.
    If we relocate due to weather, I’ll do my best to put the location and screenshot up here. Depending on the direction of the wind, the location will either be really guarded, or really exposed. Have to play by ear.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by toys-n-yotas.

    Hey Tom, M has to work Saturday so we won’t be going up. Plus I’m a$$ deep in a kitchen reno… Another time.


    Best of luck with your reno Steve.


    A great weekend on the rock, the weather even cooperated for the most part.

    We setup Thursday around 5pm, tore down Sunday 10am, home by 3pm.

    James toured about 1/2 to 2/3 to the train tracks on North Trail Saturday afternoon, he and the FJ both performed well and had a blast.

    We chatted with Evan @Toy-Yota on Friday and Saturday a few minutes. We missed you on our return trip from North Trail by 5 mins.

    I prefer summer camping, but both Matt and James carried on about the superiority of fall camping. The breathtaking colours and lack of bugs sure were awesome. As was the blueberry grunt James made in the coals.

    Looking forwards to the next trip.


    Sorry my friend, Our group was slow getting going Because everyone was coming into camp at different times. We had a great time though over all, the trails were in good shape besides being a little wet.

    Hope you had some fun with the newbies and showed them a good time


    No worries buddy, we never caught the Northbound group. I had my eyes out for your group on our return trip, but I spotted your LC somewhere between getting out the FJ, and getting a beer from the cooler. Literally by minutes we didn’t cross paths. Always good to chat with you buddy.

    Since we didn’t catch the Northbound group, I led and coached James till we came up on a newbie lady and her bf in a TJ trying to meet her Jeep friends. Then I lead and coached her till they found the group campsite. James and I carried on another couple hours.

    Like all before them who experience Ardbeg, James and Matt are both hooked, desperately looking to acquire skid plates and lift haha.

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