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Ardbeg: July 23-26 grillin’ & chillin’

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS Ardbeg: July 23-26 grillin’ & chillin’

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  • #209768

    Hey Guys,
    I’m heading up to Ardbeg Thursday, July 23 with 2 buddies aiming to leave home before lunch time, and coming home midday Sunday, July 26th.

    Neither of my buddies have trucks, or atvs, or trail worthy anything other than shoes; our trip currently is camping, grilling & chilling.

    I am hoping to setup in the same spot as last year, on the Southern part of Black Lake at the rocky outpost. Hence the Thursday arrival, to beat the everyone who has to work Thurs/Fri to that spot.

    Any interested parties, throw down your name, and we’ll keep an eye/ear out for you coming up the trail.


    shouldn’t that be killin’, grillin’ n chillin’? oh $h!t, right, huntin’ season ain’t open!!
    you’ve probably read my txt by now, so may or may not make it.


    the location you’ve got marked one year had all the sontt’ers on the august ardbeg run….all 5 trucks. haha


    not sure if I’ll be able to make it up that weekend. M is coming off afternoon shift again.


    Only a few days to go, can already smell the campfire.

    If the marked spot at Clear Lake is taken, try to find me on the North East side of Clear Lake.

    If both spots at Clear Lake are taken, we’ll be at Round Lake (one lake North).

    Cell phone might be off after we arrive on Thursday afternoon. I’ll check the board Thursday morning before we take off for Parry Sound. Let me know a rough day/time you plan to arrive and we’ll keep an eye out for you.

    Setup near us if you see the Tacoma.


    tom,are you sure the first choice is on clear lake? i’m thinkin’ you’re meanin’ black lake. might want to check that cuz i’ed hate to hear that you couldn’t find your own camp.
    i won’t be makin’ it, i’ve got an after hours job that mushroomed


    Have a birthday party at Niagara on the Lake. Can’t make this one.


    Finn, yup Black Lake holds my first choice campsite. I lost power after I made the post, and couldn’t edit it.

    Black Lake Southwest bank first choice.
    Black Lake Northwest of the beach is second choice.
    Round Lake is third choice.


    Truckee and the boys have returned home safely.

    A great trip wirh perfect weather. Didnt even bother putting the fly on the tent!

    We only saw a few other people there, and lots of Toyotas.

    Damage report:
    1 Made a bit of a mess on the ground at The Loggers Station after I engaged the E-brake upon parking and it stuck on rock solid. Time to replace that defective cable I found in the spring. Had to pull the tire and beat on the drum to let it release.
    2: Destroyed the 7-pin trailer wiring harness. DESTROYED!!


    thomas, if that’s only carnage, you had a killer weekend. i looked up your forecast on saturday n you really couldn’t have asked for a better weather. glad to hear the griller, chiller, weekend was killer
    so, you comin’ up in 2 1/2 weeks? aah yeah, i’m countin’ down!


    Carnage was at a minimum, but maximum chillin’ and grillin’.

    I won’t be making it to the Ardbeg Assult in 2 weeks. Sam is working that entire weekend unfortunately.

    Truckee or Reddee and I will be at the 2021 Assault guaranteed!

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