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Ardbeg camping July 19-21

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS Ardbeg camping July 19-21

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    Hey everybody, I’m heading up to Ardbeg either Thursday night July 18th, or first thing Friday morning July 19th, leaving Sunday 21st by noon.

    Currently there’s no wheeling on the agenda, as I’m car pooling up with one buddy.

    • Hiking
    • mountain biking
    • frisbee, washer toss, etc.
    • Drinkin’, smokin’ & eatin’

    If anybody is interested to join my buddy Dave and I, just put your name up. I’ve got the time off work and childcare in order.

    Cheers guys


    damn, i’d love to join you guys tom. but i doubt i’d be able to talk the powers that be to do 2 ardbeg runs 3 weeks apart. enjoy bud

    are you comin’ up in august?


    I’m still trying to sort out child care for the August trip. Would love to come up, but so far it’s not in tbe cards.  Wife’s working, my parents are at a friends cottage, wife’s parents already committed to watching other grandkids that weekend.

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