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2nd Annual Fall colors apple run

Home Forums MEETS & EVENTS 2nd Annual Fall colors apple run

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    Hey everyone,

    I’m hosting the 2nd Annual Fall colors apple run on October 20th. The event is pretty much filled up but I’m in need of a couple trail helpers. What I need is two vehicles in the middle of the group of 40 vehicles to relay messages on their CB’s to the tale end. I will be leading the pack, Ron will be trailing  the pack and I need two in the middle somewhere. The run goes from meeting in Milton at 8:00am and running scenic back roads some non winter service roads all the way up to Hornings Mills. I figure we’ll finish around 4pm. 


    Is anyone available to help out and represent? Free club and event  decals for whomever helps out.




    I’ll be more than happy to help in anyway I can, but this will be a first time experience for me.
    I only have some hand held radios that I’ll bring if they are of any use.

    Attending with hopes to learn a little thing or two and take in the scenes and hopeful good times. So I may not be a great candidate for what you’re after but again, willing to help in anyway I can without being a hindrance.


    krezz, they’ll only point n laugh a little bit if you screw up. don’t worry ’bout it


    LOL that’s a more than fair deal.


    Krezz, depending on what radio you have, it may not be compatible with CB band. It must be a CB band handheld radio. The little handheld radios do not have that frequency.

    that reminds me, I need to install the CB in the 4Runner… note to self


    that sounds like a good road trip. Any pics from last year?


    Should be a good tour, coming right through my former and current stomping grounds. I’d love to help and participate next year (2019) as a mid-pack guide.



    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Krezz……I might have a cb that you can borrow that day. Thanks for the help.</p>


    EI’d be interested in coming since it’s close to me (no worries if you’re full.)

    What kind of trails are they? I do have a CB which I need to hook up if that helps. I should double check with the wife if I’m available first though, provided you have room.


    I’m still not receiving all notifications it seems. Sorry for the delay on this reply.

    Sounds great! I’ll bring my radios to double check if they’d work and if they don’t then I’ll do whatever I can anyway lol. working on my hand signal game.

    Also sounds great about the possible spare CB. Just  point me in the right direction.


    Was planning on swapping the CB from my Xterra to the wife’s Tacoma for that weekend so I can help if need be.


    Krezz…..Just wondering if you could meet us at Tim’s around 7:30am? I would like to take some time with you and Ron to go over the route and set you up with the CB.


    If anyone else wants to help out your more then welcome to come. Had some cancellations so there’s room.


    I should be there close to then.

    I agreed to meet up at the on route with 2 others for 7am then head to tummies which I hope to make near 730 .


    Will do my best to gather up those who stated we would meet at on route and head straight over .


    you guys are closin’ in on the end of your tour. how was the weather? been drizzly wet down this way all day. hope ya had a safe run. post up pics!!

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